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Autocreation of Specialists

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  • Autocreation of Specialists

    I discovered some annoying need for micromanagment. In some of my cities from a certain size on the Computer creates specialists from new citizens. This happens wheter I have Worker automation turned on or not. Only if i enable the emphasize food option he makes them work tiles, but the placing is quite suboptimal. So i need to check my cities every time they grow to ensure i dont get useless specialists. I guess the reason for that is that the specialist gives more commerce/science than he would do when working a tile. But in most cases i need the citizen for production and growth. And this also happens when i cant create a Specialist who gives a Production bonus. So is it possible to turn this off?

  • #2
    This is something I noticed as well.....
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • #3
      I just set the govoner settings to Food+Production+Commerce. This seems to function as a "No specialists" mode.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Blake
        I just set the govoner settings to Food+Production+Commerce. This seems to function as a "No specialists" mode.
        Nice one, I'll try that. Yeah, the default auto-governor (nothing emphasized) seems to focus on specialists rather than growth as the city grows larger.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Blake
          I just set the govoner settings to Food+Production+Commerce. This seems to function as a "No specialists" mode.
          I've had mixed results with that. TBH, I just started using that yesterday and had two games with it. My first game, I had specialists everywhere, but they were specific to what I selected: science gave me scientists, production game me priests and engies...

          My second game only two cities that really worked in the same way was my GPP city and a city that was just huge set up as Commerce (29 growth IIRC). My other cities had maybe one specialist. My first game with using that option was beautiful, but not what the OP wanted. YMMV?

          One thing that was different , in my second game, the settings were harder, and my cities didn't grow as much as in my first game. I was pondering that when it was set to that, it only create specialists when a city reached a certain growth size. Which is fine by me. But it did produce specialists.

          I need to keep playing with that, because my first game was incredible when the cities were growing and it was making thier own specific specialists. Honestly, I suck at manually setting specialists. Gonna try it out again now as I just grabbed the patch, and see what happens.


          • #6
            I sometimes get unwanted great people from computer assigned specialists. When I quickly need an artists to save a city against flipping is it very annoying that suddenly another city produces another great person, raising the time it shall take to make the great artist. The same is true for great prophets/great merchants when your budget is red or engineers when you obsolutely want a certain wonder. So I hope either a mod or firaxis adds a no computer assigned great people(if the computer really has no other choice then to great specialists, should he either make the type of specialist the player already added to that city or simply make citizens when that option is on)


            • #7
              In the games I play the computer opponents get probably about 9 out of 10 of all the great people generated. On the other hand (at Prince) they don't have so many units as I do. They must trade off a certain amount of production for more great people - probably another reason why I'm always so far behind in tech and have to win through conquest or domination.

