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Question on upgrading units

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  • Question on upgrading units

    I'm currently in a game where I only have 1 other civilization which can effectively reach me and we've been at peace for a long time. Because of this, I haven't been extremely focused on building units, (I'm trying to culture bomb instead), and a lot of my units are obsolete. I have built city walls in my border cities and have a few modern units in each one so I don't feel there's any immediate rush to increase my military. I have plenty of gold to do a lot of upgrading if I decide to, but I'm not sure if it would cost me more money to upgrade now, and then upgrade again when I get a few more techs, or if it's cheaper to wait and then upgrade only once. Is there a simple formula for figuring this out?

  • #2
    I'm not sure I'm remembering this correctly, but I think it was a base of 25 gold plus 3 or 4 per hammer difference between the production costs of the original and upgraded unit. So yes, it will cost you an additional 25 gold per unit if you upgrade it twice.
    Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


    • #3
      The thing I care about is will I need the unit active next turn? So I would rather spend the gold that I can afford now and not get caught with my pants down.

      I have had many ocassions where all I could do was upfrade and not press the unit into action. This usually mean loss of tile and it will be gone for a long time as I will probably not be able to risk a worker very soon.


      • #4
        the question I wonder about is if the AI noticed the difference in power when you upgrade. I think they do. I think they would be less likely to attack if they sense you have a stronger army. Unless you want them to attack...


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dis
          the question I wonder about is if the AI noticed the difference in power when you upgrade. I think they do. I think they would be less likely to attack if they sense you have a stronger army. Unless you want them to attack...
          Yes, I think the AI keeps its eye firmly on the F9 screen at the military numbers, and uses that to decide who to issue threats / demands / attacks on. Also the 25g surcharge for upgrading does mean that skipping an upgrade does save money, but being militarily weak usually ends in trouble.

