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Do you have this problem with amphib?

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  • Do you have this problem with amphib?

    I have only played a few games of CivIV so far, but I am having the same problem (only worse) that I did with CivIII. When an enemy lands troops on my shoreline I find that I often miss the event all together or if I do catch it when it happens, I forget they are there or exactly where they are by the time I go through all the early turn choices. Does anyone else have this problem? Maybe I am just not paying enough attention, but it seems like they land, no one (especially not the military advisor) tells me about it, and then no one says "wait, dont hit end of turn, you have these guys in you territory!" Maybe those little event bubbles that pop-up telling you there is some event off screen could be made to stick around more or be a little more insistent.

    edited for spelling
    Alias rules!

  • #2
    Maybe this will help... Under options I turn on "show enemy moves", turn off "unit cycling" (just hit enter to cycle through units manually), and minimize the pop-ups (events appear as little icons on the side of the screen, on which you can click when you are ready). That way I'm not always getting dragged away from what I'm concentrating on.

    I find it really annoying to see enemy units approaching some vital resource improvement and then suddenly get whipped to another side of the globe because some tiny little hole that I just founded has built a granary!

    The minimize pop-ups option also allows you to scroll around your map before deciding what city improvement to build next or what tech to research. I pulled what little hair I have left right out when those pop-ups would jump up and force me to make a decision without consulting the "bigger picture" that I had in mind (as opposed to the one the game figures will suffice).
    Last edited by polarnomad; November 23, 2005, 13:03.


    • #3
      I just wish the "Show enemy moves" only shows the important moves, instead of moves by all AI's
      This space is empty... or is it?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Adagio
        I just wish the "Show enemy moves" only shows the important moves, instead of moves by all AI's
        I guess that is a problem if you have spies in all the enemies' cities, or have converted the entire world to your national faith! I don't have patience to inspect every little thing my opponents are doing, so it's not really that much of a problem.

        If that option is a problem there still are red icons that indicate the enemy is near your borders. ie: "The enemy has been spotted near...!"

        At least not getting dragged away from what is important by the automated cycling and event pop-ups helps me remember what I need to take care of before I end my turn, and then swear at myself as the screams of my plundered hamlets bring me back to "reality".


        • #5
          what helps me is the message log. it will alert you when the enemy is near your city. I find this very helpful, as it will warn you of enemy ships in the water as well. Which will allow me to wake my ships and attack their transports before they land. Though sometimes I don't have enough of a navy, but at least it allows me to move some ground troops into position.

          And sometimes you get so many messages, the red (warning) messages disappear. Hit CTRL-TAB to see all your messages.


          • #6
            You can click on the message in the message log and it will go to that location on the map.


            • #7
              oooh, even better. did not know that. That saves having to look all over your empire for a specific city.


              • #8
                Continuing with the message/combat log:
                What aggravates me is when there are messages re enemy pillaging, interceptions or air strikes/bombings that are not onscreen. There is an indicator you can click at the edge (IF you are quick enough and find it in the 1st place), but the message is not logged anywhere if you don't catch it before the message vanishes.


                • #9
                  If I'm ever struggling to figure out where the enemy is, I go to the military advisor and turn on the display of the relevant units. Anything unauthorised pings as a Red Blip. You can go straight to that location by clicking.
                  O'Neill: I'm telling you Teal'c, if we don't find a way out of this soon, I'm gonna lose it.

                  Lose it. It means, Go crazy. Nuts. Insane. Bonzo. No longer in possession of one's faculties. Three fries short of a Happy Meal. WACKO!


                  • #10
                    too bad the military advisor takes 5 minutes to load.

                    but yes it can be useful. I love clicking on the dots and it takes you right to it.

