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AI navy, I'm impressed !

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  • AI navy, I'm impressed !

    Late game, started a war with Egypt, the only
    other civ on my continent left.

    I had forgotten to check if they had any defense
    pacts, but wasn't worried too much, since the
    other civs were on another continent.

    Boy was I surprised when Lizzie sent an entire
    ARMADA into my area ! She overwelmed my
    meager battleship grid I had placed to keep
    a look-out for AI ships.

    And it was a well-defended Armada ! Almost
    2 dozen ships, carriers and transports all protected
    by multiple Battleships, and free-sailing battleships
    and destroyers to engage my fleet !

    She's gonna totally overrun a city I had placed
    on an island, and then my mainland will be in
    trouble !

    This has been the most fun I've had with naval
    combat in ANY Civ incarnation !

    Kudos !
    "Would you people please try to remember that I am EVIL !?"
    - Spike

  • #2
    Yes, there has been a very great improvement in in this area compared to Civ3.

    In a former game (Noble), I was at war with Louis XIV and our territories were separated by a small isthmus where I had conveniently built a fort and stacked a bunch of grenadiers and musketmen.

    What a surprise I had when the AI used a whole stack of ships to land right behind my defenses at least ten units

    So yes, no more lousy naval on the AI side !
    Better than playing blitz chess and piano simultaneously: Warcraft III

