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Giving units to the AI should make them happy with you.

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  • Giving units to the AI should make them happy with you.

    I had occasion to make extensive use of the new ability to give units to the AI in a recent Prince game. I think it's a great idea to be able to give units to the AI instead of using the diplomacy screen to trade them but I have not noticed that giving units away increases one's standing with the AI.

    For example I had a recent game, at Prince level, where I made an ally in Elizabeth through spreading Christianity and offering tribute. I was experimenting and played as peaceful a game as I could, in the hope of winning a UN victory. Elizabeth was coming under constant attack from Montezuma, and I eventually got sick of joining in the fighting and sending my troops halfway across the world to help Elizabeth out. So instead I made units and gifted them to Elizabeth so that she would not be wiped out and therefore be my permanent UN voting partner.

    However, despite gifting dozens of units to Elizabeth I ended up with a -5 reduction in diplomatic standing with her because I refused to attack Montezuma on five occasions. It seems as if the AI thinks nothing of a human player giving it units to help out during war. Wouldn't it be better if at least something was added to one's diplomatic relationship because of giving military aid to an ally?

  • #2
    Hear hear! Should not be hard to implement.

    +1 "You aided us in our righteous strugle for peace."

    I assume they have to pay normal upkeep for them, btw? A great way to ruin someone's economy, gifting them all your obsolete warriors...

    Anyone ever received a unit from AI? Can one ask for aid?
    I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


    • #3
      Anyone ever received a unit from AI?
      Well the recalled patch has that on bug fix list. So perhaps we will...

