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Save system can't handle My Documents redirection or UNC file names

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  • Save system can't handle My Documents redirection or UNC file names

    As per the subject, the save/load system has no idea what to do with \\ unc paths; it always just shows you the desktop as the start directory.

    There is an annoying workaround: map the share to a drive, then every single time you want to save or load the game you have to manually hunt down the full path of the save directory

    This is remarkably annoying, and also conflicts with the windows design guidelines. Where do I submit this as a bug report?

  • #2
    I put this in the major bug thread that was topped in the general forum, but I think it got totally ignored.

    It probably doesn't happen to non-gurus like you and me...


    • #3
      Umm, I have mapped a network share as a network drive, and redirected My Documents to a folder on the share. Works perfectly. So I can't confirm what you said.

      If you mean the fact that after a while explorer.exe might hang up, I have that too. So it's buggy but it does work, and I hope that the future patch fixes this because I think this has everything to do with the CTD/BSoD thing.

      (I just figured out you must've redirected my documents straight to a unc path, and I'm not suprised it doesn't work. It should, but it doesn't.. If you redirect your my documents to the network drive, it should work)


      • #4
        Actually my documents to a UNC is supported; it's the way Microsoft does it internally.


        • #5
          Yeah, I meant that I'm not surprised it doesn't work with Civ4... Other than that, sure.

