I played a few games as Washington last night with Archipelago, Snaky Continents and had the best games I've had to date, financially. Here are some observations I had and would like to share to see if others agree or can find weaknesses in the situations described.
With the cheap lighthouses, Organized seems to me at first glance a trait that lends itself to having a lot of coastal cities. This coastal bent synergizes best with Financial.
With Washington as leader (Financial with Organized) it is easier to get that lighthouse built, and every coastal square becomes the equivalent an instant, un-pillageable free hamlet on grasslands (2 food, 3 gold). Of course there might be the gravy of resource bonuses if fish, crabs or clams are in any of the squares. However these "hamlets" obviously can't ever "grow" past that state.
It pays then to get Sailing quickly (which one will usually do in an Archipelago world anyway) as well as Masonry to benefit from not only this, but with the large number of coastal cities, to build the Great Lighthouse as quickly as possible, to get the coastal cities two bonus trade routes for a long time to come.
To a much lesser extent, Caesar (Organized and Expansive) gets something out of cheap lighthouses as well, since his harbors are also cheap. It's a quicker road, with the Great Lighthouse, to three bonus trade routes.
Maximizing this aspect on larger landmasses is also possible, but not quite as easy. If alone on a continent, a doughnut style expansion is probably best at first, leaving a hole in the middle to be filled in later, or a "D" shape if you have a neighbor, with the straight part of the "D" cutting off neighbors as you settle the "curve."
Getting the Pyramids as well as the Great Lighthouse I think would put you over the top for the quick Representation civic, which is likely if you have access to stone, as it hastens both wonders.
With the cheap lighthouses, Organized seems to me at first glance a trait that lends itself to having a lot of coastal cities. This coastal bent synergizes best with Financial.
With Washington as leader (Financial with Organized) it is easier to get that lighthouse built, and every coastal square becomes the equivalent an instant, un-pillageable free hamlet on grasslands (2 food, 3 gold). Of course there might be the gravy of resource bonuses if fish, crabs or clams are in any of the squares. However these "hamlets" obviously can't ever "grow" past that state.
It pays then to get Sailing quickly (which one will usually do in an Archipelago world anyway) as well as Masonry to benefit from not only this, but with the large number of coastal cities, to build the Great Lighthouse as quickly as possible, to get the coastal cities two bonus trade routes for a long time to come.
To a much lesser extent, Caesar (Organized and Expansive) gets something out of cheap lighthouses as well, since his harbors are also cheap. It's a quicker road, with the Great Lighthouse, to three bonus trade routes.
Maximizing this aspect on larger landmasses is also possible, but not quite as easy. If alone on a continent, a doughnut style expansion is probably best at first, leaving a hole in the middle to be filled in later, or a "D" shape if you have a neighbor, with the straight part of the "D" cutting off neighbors as you settle the "curve."
Getting the Pyramids as well as the Great Lighthouse I think would put you over the top for the quick Representation civic, which is likely if you have access to stone, as it hastens both wonders.