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For the record...

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  • For the record...

    ... I applaud the Firaxis team for the level of support they are providing people whose money they already have.

    I see a number of posts with individuals stating that Firaxis "is playing a dangerous game with its fanbase" and suchlike.


    To those people, is this the only game whose forums you visit? Is this the only broken game you have? Note that, to me, it isn't broken, just slightly damaged.

    If a fan of Black & White or any of Lionhead's games were to peer in and see actual developers conversing with the fans, they would be envious. On those boards, the most I've seen from an LH representative was a cursory "We're working. Stop whining." (Not exact words, I forget but the tone is the same.)

    Near-unrivalled moddability.
    Dev-created documentation.
    Dev assistance for modders and players.
    Continued dev participation in the forums.

    These people have already been paid for CIV4 - THEY DON'T HAVE TO BE HERE.

    It is wonderful that they are actively collecting bug reports and fix-wishes, despite the periodic waves of thoughtless hate flung in their direction.

    Give em a break people.

    BTW: Don't buy The Movies or any other Lionhead game. I got burned on all prior releases, don't fall in the same pit.

    Black & White 1 : Wasted potential, glorified tamagotchi, poor non-marketing support, bugfest.
    BW: Creature Isle : expanding the tamagotchi clone.
    Fable : False hype, false promises, no support, stupid gameplay mechanics, playtesting courtesy of MS MWAMBE, EX-CONCUMBINE OF THE PERSIDANT OF NIGERIA.
    Black & White 2 : False hype, false promises, fake/misleading teasers, no support. Err, bugfest.
    The Movies : Apparently more of the same. Oh, and its a bugfest.

    Take heed, thou hast been warned.

  • #2
    I really love the Civ series. They are my favorite games of all time. I'm sure I'll like Civ4, but I vow to never buy another Civ game right after release. It's not worth it.
    "I've spent more time posting than playing."


    • #3
      Heh, actually you should change that vow to "never buy ANY game right after release and without extensive research-lurking on forums."


      • #4
        Never had problems of Age of Empires/Mythology, Heroes of Might and Magic, Simcity, etc.
        "I've spent more time posting than playing."


        • #5
          Originally posted by siredgar
          Never had problems of Age of Empires/Mythology, Heroes of Might and Magic, Simcity, etc.

          That's a good point. When have Maxis EVER released a patch for a SimCity game?

          However, Civilization is a million miles better than SimCity. And Civilization IV is the best game EVER.


          • #6
            Heh, its a good thing I'd forgotten about the existence of Pirates of the Carribean, otherwise that first post would have extended this thread by a few more megs. :P


            • #7
              Just in case it wasn't sarcasm... Maxis released at least 2 patches for Simcity 4.


              • #8
                Well that's half a patch per version of the game.

                Not bad.


                • #9
                  Though SimCity may have been patched a few times, I can't begin to express just how bored those "games" make me.
                  I don't condsider SimCity games, Sim* didn't become a game until The Sims. How many patches for that series?


                  • #10
                    The Sims didn't need patches. If there were any gameplay issues they just included the fixes in their (almost) monthly $20-$30 expansion.

