Yesterday I discovered a major bug/exploit. I don't know if this has been mentioned before but here it is.
I was playing the English in the 1000 AD scenario and at war with Saladin. After a couple of turns Saladin wanted to negotiate a peace treaty. When I demanded 4 technologies in return fo a peace treaty he laughed at me for making such foolish demands. I tried to spice things up by adding a tech of my own, forgetting it isn't possible to trade techs while one is negotiating for peace. I therefore got the message saying "When trading for a peace treaty only one player may offer items to another player [...]".
So far so good. But when I hit the OK button, the game somehow thought that Saladin had made the last proposal (which would give me 4 of Saladin's techs) and I could simply accept the deal! So in the end I still got the 4 techs I asked for. Seems like a very bad exploit to me, since this makes it possible to get free techs/cities/gold etc. very easily.
Anyone else noticed this?
I was playing the English in the 1000 AD scenario and at war with Saladin. After a couple of turns Saladin wanted to negotiate a peace treaty. When I demanded 4 technologies in return fo a peace treaty he laughed at me for making such foolish demands. I tried to spice things up by adding a tech of my own, forgetting it isn't possible to trade techs while one is negotiating for peace. I therefore got the message saying "When trading for a peace treaty only one player may offer items to another player [...]".
So far so good. But when I hit the OK button, the game somehow thought that Saladin had made the last proposal (which would give me 4 of Saladin's techs) and I could simply accept the deal! So in the end I still got the 4 techs I asked for. Seems like a very bad exploit to me, since this makes it possible to get free techs/cities/gold etc. very easily.
Anyone else noticed this?