Originally posted by RoboPig
probably cuz i just got back from school and i was walking the dog! sorry, i didnt know that you were gonna go there really. but was it over 50 bucks? it wouldnt be possible since 3 people with custom burgers and cokes comes to $30
probably cuz i just got back from school and i was walking the dog! sorry, i didnt know that you were gonna go there really. but was it over 50 bucks? it wouldnt be possible since 3 people with custom burgers and cokes comes to $30
I do remember when I didn't care where we went for a date. That was relaxing.
Yeah, I really went up there. Sat and had a root beer (good root beer). Nice place. Not what I think most of us were thinking when we said $50 for date and a movie, but I see your point. It's a perfectly acceptable, not overstated place to go after a movie at the State.
I concede the point. I still have a little to learn about AA.
Tom P.