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CTD / disk write problem

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  • CTD / disk write problem

    Okay, this is getting on my nerves, but before I continue a little history.

    Yesterday I installed the game in the most glorious ways, the installation went fine (even tough the DirectX installation need gave me a real WTF look on my face).
    I played the game for 5 hours, having a great time and cracking myself up till today which should be my long missed gaming night of the year.

    I come home from work, grabbing a bottle of coke and some snacks and doubleclicking the Civ4 icon.
    Game start and everything looks good, since its gonna be a long night I select the Epic game button this time.

    So.. game enters, after 10min it starts swapping like a mad man from outter space, first thing that comes to my mind "this HDD is dying..".
    So I changed the swap file to a disk I know works and hope for the best. But with no luck.

    Okay, time to bring some light to the troubleshooting abilities. Find this marvelous forum, which have a great deal of smartheads out there with a creative way of solving things. But none really applied for me.
    * Install newest Nvidia gfx drivers.
    * Install rivatuner and set the shaders settings in DirectX settings.
    * Set the game to run in window mode.
    * Disable AA in forceware drivers.

    After this, still same problem. Enters the game ofen with a error message:
    "Windows - Delayed Write Failed"
    Windows was unable to save all the data for the file G:\documents and settings\user\my documents\my games\Civ4, The data has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware or network connection. Please try to save this file e....

    Okay.. cool, now I know atleast windows is bringing me jokes about my so called network connection to my hardware is broken. Do I sense a drunk MS dev arround?

    Well, this error could pass, still the game would be able to load, sometimes at worst it would give the game a phyon load error message. Which would only be required to press xxx numerous times to remove.

    Great, I'm back on track.. I select the settler to build my first city on my glorious path to vicoty, boom CTD.
    Fine, you'll be a *****, I'll be a *****. Reboot. Try again, load game. this time without errors. Enter game, select settler.. build the city.. YAY! Continue for three more cities and about 20 turns. CTD. No "Windows Delayed write failed" error messages this time.

    Time to check the event viewer:
    For the CTD it would return these error messages:
    The description for Event ID ( 0 ) in Source ( ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: 7.

    Great, enabled logging ingame, since I don't know if it got it all I'll just post it all here:

    [Jason] Using old cut tree: Art/Terrain/Routes/Rivers/River05c.nif_clone
    [Jason] Using old cut tree: Art/Terrain/Routes/Rivers/River05c.nif_clone
    [Jason] Using old cut tree: (null)
    [Jason] Using old cut tree: (null)

    File Art/Terrain/Resources/Corn/crops.nif does not contain a node named 1x2_01 pointed at by artref art:corn_crop
    File Art/Terrain/Resources/Corn/crops.nif does not contain a node named 2x1_01 pointed at by artref art:corn_crop
    File Art/Terrain/Resources/Corn/crops.nif does not contain a node named 2x3_01 pointed at by artref art:corn_crop

    RESMGR: Texture PlayerColor01.tga failed to load
    RESMGR: Texture PlayerColor02.tga failed to load
    RESMGR: Scene file Art/Terrain/Resources/Corn/crops.nif failed to load. Reason: (code:1) Cannot open file.
    RESMGR: Texture Art/Terrain/Routes/Rivers/ failed to load

    No other error messages are recorded in the different log files (could be me that is blind or application not able to log it completle).

    Computer specs:
    AMD64 XP3200+
    1024MB RAM
    Nvidia FX6800GT.
    Windows XP 32bit SP1

    There is a possiblity that the HDD is ofcourse trying to be a ***** on me, and going AWOL. But since this only happend in Civ4 I find that very strange.

    Ideas on how to resolve this would be deeply appreciated and be rewarded with a medal in optical illusion plastic.

  • #2
    Googling on the basic error message ("Windows - Delayed Write Failed") shows many possible causes. Suggest that you do the same and look for something that applies to your situation.

    As to why did this this start when playing civ 4? Possibly due to intense disk activity when writing temp files, using virtual memory, etc.
    "The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."
    -- Kosh

