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The Ribeye Wars, or Why does the AI go kamikaze over the smallest things?

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  • The Ribeye Wars, or Why does the AI go kamikaze over the smallest things?

    aka 'How To Toss Ceasar's Salad'

    Here's the setup: small map, random # of continents, all default settings otherwise except we're playing for culture or 'All your base are belong to us!' - and no time limit. It's moi as Napoleon, Ceasar, Hatshepsut, Monty, and Isabi***a, er Isabella So mostly things have been going along nicely, (except for Egypt beating me to my dyes spot. hmph.) and I get the usual bullying out of Ceasar and Monty, while trading a bit with Hatty - she really is great neighbor to have ^^ I finally managed to snag Islam (ignored the early religions, got beat by 2-3 turns to everything else ) and converted promptly. Which of course made everyone hate me for being a heathen, but whatcha gonna do? *shrug* I figured someone would come after me eventually, but this is so crazy...

    Now here's the fun : Rheims and Cumae have shared a border for quite sometime, and have been ping-ponging that cow square back and forth all along. If Caesar wasn't asking for a bribe he'd want those cows back So now that I'm an Allah-worshipping heathen, it of course means war.

    So there I am, braced for an onslaught of Praetorians, hoping I won't get pillaged to death, and here he comes!

    All 1 Horse Archer of it.

    To pillage the afore-mentioned cow square. WTH??

    I moved in my fast response pack of HA's, used a spear from the garrison to dispose of the offending archer, and poach an exposed worker. I send a couple other HA's across the border to pay back the pillage and wait for them to die by counterattack...but he just sits there. And sits there. So what do I do? I ended up pillaging everything, including roads all the way from Ravenna back to Rome. And he did absolutely nothing! He had longbows and spears in garrisons that he could have countered with, same as I did ... you can't tell me he was scared of poor little me? Oh, he did kill one HA with another HA but that was it. Ooo, I'm scared...NOT!

    So final tally :

    Caesar - One square pillaged, one pop point lost in Rheims from starvation, two HA lost

    Maki - a dozen + squares pillaged, a couple hundred gold, a worker gained, one HA lost, and Ceasar's salad officially tossed for many turns while his economy goes "kabloom!"

    What was the AI -thinking-? What algorithm decided 'Hey let's go cheese off France so they can pillage us to the ground!' ? My only guess is that he attacked because A) I was an Allah-praising heathen B)I'd told him where to stuff his requests since day one C)my level of soldiers was low (4th of 5 on the demo screen). Seriously, what script was running that made this an acceptable strategy to the AI? Note that this didn't even disrupt anything I was working on, just gave me something more entertaining to do than building for a few turns

    A cow! A cow! His kingdom cut off at the knees over a cow!
    But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
    PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!

  • #2
    My guess is it's something similar to the AI in Civ 3. In Civ 3, the AI had a certain number of garrison troops for each city. Any troops in excess of that number became part of the field force. It would only use the field force in attack or counterattack. Once you killed off the field army, it would just sit in the cities and passively defend, unless new units were built. Probably the romans didn't have any excess troops, so it just sat there until it did.
    Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


    • #3
      Re: The Ribeye Wars, or Why does the AI go kamikaze over the smallest things?

      Originally posted by Makahlua
      A cow! A cow! His kingdom cut off at the knees over a cow!
      Holy cow! You sure it wasn't Gandhi instead of Caesar?


      • #4
        I like it when an AI (especially Isabella) calls up and demands a cow. Then I can say "Don't have a cow!".


        • #5
          Guess Caesar likes cows. Perhaps he thinks of himself as a cowboy. But infact he's only a cowardish wanna-be cowboy.


          • #6
            What difficulty level? I've been noticing that the harder the level I play on the more of a military advantage the AI will wait for before declaring war on me. On easier levels Monty will declare war at the drop of a hat with nothing but 1 or 2 units available to attack with. Destroy those and he's done.

            Fast forward a few levels and Caesar declares war on me very early on and the very next turn sends a wave of chariots my way... I had to pop rush some archers and by the time I could take out his chariots he'd pillaged every improvement in sight for my border cities. Since then I generally make time to build 2 units for every city. One for garrison duty and one for attack.


            • #7
              More evidence that Ceasar does get lonely on those cold Roman nights....


              • #8

                I see the court jesters are out in force. Y'all funny ^^

                Anyway - level is noble, and relatedly, Monty's been sitting on a horde of units for quite a while, and doing ... absolutely nothing with them And I mean more than just the garrison, we're talking nearly 20 units in his two biggest cities, and 10+ in a few others. While I was off trashing Ceasar (yes he declared war -again-. it was about bling this time though.), Monty had plenty of time/opportunity to come run me over from behind, while I was still upgrading to post-gunpowder units, and alll my offense on the other side of the world, literally. He had attacked me once before I fought Rome, but never again until I joined Hatty in war on him.

                Oh well, he snoozes, he loses - bombers can really put the ouchy on big Stacks O' Doom

                Maybe I'll give a Prince game a try next, or start setting 'Aggressive AI' ...
                But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
                PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!


                • #9
                  I'm playing a game on Monarch atm. I just went and ran straight through Izzy with about 5 knights, 3 mace, 2 longbow, a crossbow, and 4 cats in the main stack, and an assortment of about 6 units in a minor stack used to pin another border city.

                  Izzy had more than that in her capital alone, which I bombarded down with the cats, and then collateralled with said cats. I have taken 4 cities off her, not counting a culture flip (Note - Stonehenge can be used as cheap culture, to flip cities, and also helps other cities. Multipurpose wonder, I suppose)

                  I do wish the AI would attack the human stacks. When I first saw the amount of units she was sitting on, I expected to lose my main stack and for her to just smack me about with what she had left. As it was, she sat down behind huge culture defensive boni, and forgot I could destroy them completely in 2 turns.

                  The AI could be improved, I agree...
                  Last edited by Krill; November 17, 2005, 18:44.
                  You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.

