In cIV (civilization 4) there are a lot of keys / key-combinations / undocumented features that make playing the game a lot easier.
I think it's a good idea to have a thread in which all these features / keys are gathered and listed for easy reference. If you know keys / combinations / tricks / etc. please post them. I'll try to keep this first post updated.
Last update: sunday 07-03-2006 (that's 03-07-2006 if you use that crazy american date notation)
General / interface
• mouse over [anything]: lots of information!
• control-tab: show message history / battle log / chatbox (in multiplayer)
• click under the gold counter: show message history / battle log / chatbox (in multiplayer)
• click 'round button' left-above the mini-map: end your turn
• control-L: load game
• control-s: save game
• shift-F5: quick-save (overwrites last quick save!) (quick as in: save immediately, no menu's or clicking)
• shift-F8: quick-load (quick as in: load immediately, no menu's or clicking)
• control-i: minimize interface
• alt-i: remove interface
• z: Toggle "Grab Mode" (move map around, ie. when a unit is selected)
• Zoom out to "World View" and click left icon above the mini-map: Draw strategy lines and place signs. (not saved)
• alt-shift-d: set/change game admin and password and allow debug tools.
• icons next to leaders name just above the mini-map:
- 3 arrows: you can trade with this user
- paper: you have open border with this user
- religious symbol: state religion of this civ
- religious symbol with star: state religion and founder of this civ
• Put a shortcut to your quicksave on your desktop to start cIV and load your quicksave immediately
• In the domestic advisor screen [F1] click on a city[/color]: the build queue of this city appears at the bottom of the screen
• Hold both right and left mouse-buttons: grab and drag the map.
• In the diplomatic advisor screen [F4] left-click on a leader's face and move your mouse over the face of another leader to see what the clicked-on leader thinks of the moved-over leader.
• control-click on another civ, above the mini-map: Show trade window with this civ
• right-click on a leader's face in diplomacy advisor: Start diplomacy session with this civ
• alt-d: Change leader-name
• alt-g-n: Shows the pings to all players in a multiplayer game
• alt-s: Place signs on the map
• Click on the tech-research progressbar to quick-pick a new tech to research
• Make the following change in the civilizationIV.ini file
; Allow Camera Flying
AllowFlying = 1
Then press control-alt-f to enable the flying camera and view the map from all possible angels and zoom in and out as far as you want.
• alt-mouse over [enemy unit]: see combat odds [bottom left] (have one of your units selected)
• shift-select multiple units: Group multiple units together. (you can click the unit-icons in a stack as well)
• g: go to mode
• c / middle mouse button: center on unit
• control-a: Move / execute automated units immediately
• automated units will move last in your turn! If you want to move earlier do it manually or press control-a! (important for mp games)
• /: Scroll through your active workers.
• The little circles at the top of the unit-flag representate the number of units in this stack and their movement status.
• shift-select multiple cities: select multiple cities to give them one build order or rally point.
• middle mous button in city screen: exit city
• Click outside the "fat cross" in city screen: exit city
• shift-right click when (multiple) city (cities) are selected: set rally point (where units from that city (those cities) automaticly move to.
• City size number on the map:
Green: City population is growing
White: City population stagnant
Red: City population is decreasing
• In domestic advisor screen [F1] click on city: The production que of this city will appear at the bottom of the screen
• A beaker, hammer, etc. on the left of the row of city icons indicate that the city is the top research, manufacturing, etc. in your empire.
• A star on the left indicates the presence of a center-of-empire effect: Versailles or Forbidden Palace. A star around the population figure is your capital.
• A little star on a religious icon indicates the Holy City for that religion.
• The percentage is the cultural defense bonus applied to units defending the city.
• control-click on build item: add on top of build queue
• shift-click on build item: add on end of build queue
• alt-click on build item: continuous build this item
• shift-alt-click on build item: build it continuously at the end of your queue
• control-alt-click on build item: build it continuously at the beginning of your queue
anything that's continuously building will "skip" a round if you have a queue below it, build the next item, and then build another of the continuous build. Works also for continously building two types of units back and forth.
• Click center-city-tile in city-screen: Turn on governor for citizen-worker placing
• Click in the city screen on a tile that's been worked by another city of your empire to 'switch' this tile back to the current city. Click it a 2nd time to work it from the current city.
• Space: Oftenly does the same as hitting "enter"
• Tip: Print this first post and keep it next to your keyboard while playing cIV
• Your tip?
I've only included interface tips.
Including game mechanics and strategies goes too far for this thread.
Thanks to all!
I think it's a good idea to have a thread in which all these features / keys are gathered and listed for easy reference. If you know keys / combinations / tricks / etc. please post them. I'll try to keep this first post updated.
Last update: sunday 07-03-2006 (that's 03-07-2006 if you use that crazy american date notation)
General / interface
• mouse over [anything]: lots of information!
• control-tab: show message history / battle log / chatbox (in multiplayer)
• click under the gold counter: show message history / battle log / chatbox (in multiplayer)
• click 'round button' left-above the mini-map: end your turn
• control-L: load game
• control-s: save game
• shift-F5: quick-save (overwrites last quick save!) (quick as in: save immediately, no menu's or clicking)
• shift-F8: quick-load (quick as in: load immediately, no menu's or clicking)
• control-i: minimize interface
• alt-i: remove interface
• z: Toggle "Grab Mode" (move map around, ie. when a unit is selected)
• Zoom out to "World View" and click left icon above the mini-map: Draw strategy lines and place signs. (not saved)
• alt-shift-d: set/change game admin and password and allow debug tools.
• icons next to leaders name just above the mini-map:
- 3 arrows: you can trade with this user
- paper: you have open border with this user
- religious symbol: state religion of this civ
- religious symbol with star: state religion and founder of this civ
• Put a shortcut to your quicksave on your desktop to start cIV and load your quicksave immediately
• In the domestic advisor screen [F1] click on a city[/color]: the build queue of this city appears at the bottom of the screen
• Hold both right and left mouse-buttons: grab and drag the map.
• In the diplomatic advisor screen [F4] left-click on a leader's face and move your mouse over the face of another leader to see what the clicked-on leader thinks of the moved-over leader.
• control-click on another civ, above the mini-map: Show trade window with this civ
• right-click on a leader's face in diplomacy advisor: Start diplomacy session with this civ
• alt-d: Change leader-name
• alt-g-n: Shows the pings to all players in a multiplayer game
• alt-s: Place signs on the map
• Click on the tech-research progressbar to quick-pick a new tech to research
• Make the following change in the civilizationIV.ini file
; Allow Camera Flying
AllowFlying = 1
Then press control-alt-f to enable the flying camera and view the map from all possible angels and zoom in and out as far as you want.
• alt-mouse over [enemy unit]: see combat odds [bottom left] (have one of your units selected)
• shift-select multiple units: Group multiple units together. (you can click the unit-icons in a stack as well)
• g: go to mode
• c / middle mouse button: center on unit
• control-a: Move / execute automated units immediately
• automated units will move last in your turn! If you want to move earlier do it manually or press control-a! (important for mp games)
• /: Scroll through your active workers.
• The little circles at the top of the unit-flag representate the number of units in this stack and their movement status.
• shift-select multiple cities: select multiple cities to give them one build order or rally point.
• middle mous button in city screen: exit city
• Click outside the "fat cross" in city screen: exit city
• shift-right click when (multiple) city (cities) are selected: set rally point (where units from that city (those cities) automaticly move to.
• City size number on the map:
Green: City population is growing
White: City population stagnant
Red: City population is decreasing
• In domestic advisor screen [F1] click on city: The production que of this city will appear at the bottom of the screen
• A beaker, hammer, etc. on the left of the row of city icons indicate that the city is the top research, manufacturing, etc. in your empire.
• A star on the left indicates the presence of a center-of-empire effect: Versailles or Forbidden Palace. A star around the population figure is your capital.
• A little star on a religious icon indicates the Holy City for that religion.
• The percentage is the cultural defense bonus applied to units defending the city.
• control-click on build item: add on top of build queue
• shift-click on build item: add on end of build queue
• alt-click on build item: continuous build this item
• shift-alt-click on build item: build it continuously at the end of your queue
• control-alt-click on build item: build it continuously at the beginning of your queue
anything that's continuously building will "skip" a round if you have a queue below it, build the next item, and then build another of the continuous build. Works also for continously building two types of units back and forth.
• Click center-city-tile in city-screen: Turn on governor for citizen-worker placing
• Click in the city screen on a tile that's been worked by another city of your empire to 'switch' this tile back to the current city. Click it a 2nd time to work it from the current city.
• Space: Oftenly does the same as hitting "enter"
• Tip: Print this first post and keep it next to your keyboard while playing cIV

• Your tip?
I've only included interface tips.
Including game mechanics and strategies goes too far for this thread.
Thanks to all!