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Conquered cities flip to AI too easily

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  • Conquered cities flip to AI too easily

    I am playing on Prince. I conquer a city near a major city of mine. They are often culturally weak cities, as their radius only extends 1 tile in my direction, not the normal 2.

    These cities always end up flipping to the adjacent neighbours. Immediately, the nearby AI cities radius expands like it's their capital city on turn 20. Once I even dropped a great Artist in the captured city for 4,000 culture points and the city still eventually flipped back.

    It is far easier to raze the cities and rebuild them from scratch as they never have any buildings anyway. This way I get the 1 back tile right away. However this is not the way I want to play.

    I am thinking about not allowing the cities to flip as in my opinion this feature of the game is broken. There is no point to invade anything (and I'm not much of a warmonger).

    (On the other hand, the AI plants new cities on my borders in the 1500's and these cities don't come close to flipping.)

    Does anybody else have this problem?

  • #2
    not when you conquer the entire opposing civ.

    I noticed the population goes 100% in your favour when you do this.

    Not feasible in all cases, I know.

    I have yet to have a city flip. Though I came close I got the word one of my cities revolted. I had no idea what to do, so I just left it. But it eventually grew back it's culture boundaries. It should be noted I rushed a theatre (first), library, and then a temple in that city just before the revolt.


    • #3
      I've seen plenty of AI cities revolt and had a number flip to me, but I've never had a bit of trouble the other way

      Try building more culture?


      • #4
        I'm not certain it would work, but try stationing more military units in borderline cities, might make them think twice about flipping.


        • #5
          I havn't had a city flip (except in one case where I was being stupid), but I am a serious culture whore, usually making theatre the first build and assingning some artists, maybe spamming the city with missionaries of different religions too (if using no state religion).
          Artists RULE (especially with Caste+Merc).


          • #6
            I had tons of military units (10), and I usually try to build a Forge then a Temple.

            I guess I should try to build a temple (or theater) 1st.


            • #7
              not only build a temple and theater. You need to rush them. I always build a library too, just in case.


              • #8
                A civ that has the 2 culture per turn attribute is invaluable for these, I find. It limits the time that flipping's a serious risk as libraries etc can take a while to build.


                • #9
                  It helps to have missionaries ready to bring your religion to the city as well.
                  If I determine the enemy's disposition of forces while I have no percerptible form, I can concentrate my forces while the enemy is fragmented. The pinnacle of military deployment approaches the formless: if it is formless, then even the deepest spy cannot discern it nor the wise make plans against it.
                  -Sun Tzu 'The Art Of War'


                  • #10
                    Rush theatre 1st!
                    Library and / or temple next.
                    Missionary is a good idea.
                    Have your city produce culture instead of buildings if you must.
                    I've never had a city flip away, but tons flip to me.


                    • #11
                      customize a game

                      you can pick no flipping by culture and/or conquest
                      anti steam and proud of it

                      CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


                      • #12
                        I've never had one of my newly conquered cities flip back, while "often" other cities flip to my side
                        This space is empty... or is it?


                        • #13
                          I cant seem to get cities to filp at all!

                          Ive had a japanese city that was completely engulfed by my cuture on all 4 sides and all it had was one little square and it still wouldnt filp for me.

                          I had 90% in culture and the cities around it had every single cultural building they could get (pumping out about 100+ culture per turn.)

                          what did I do wrong?

