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Cultural flipping - any special conditions?

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  • Cultural flipping - any special conditions?

    For starters, this is in a game where one city has already flipped from culture.

    I'm fighting a three-front culture war in an effort to avoid dirtying my guns with actual usage. I build cities near enemy civs, rush-build theatres, and... Nothing happens. Borders shift, and all, but I have a city that's listed as "1% Greek" (I'm Russian) and still hasn't flipped.

    What are the requirements for a culture flip? Obviously not just a percentage. Is there something else you need before a city will switch sides? I had one of these cities go into revolt, but then the game crashed and when I reloaded, it's being firm about not converting, even though it's now totally surrounded.

  • #2
    If the city is totally surrounded, I have found that those cities will usually flip. Of course that's with limited testing, I've only played about 6 or 7 games so far.

    I don't think anyone but the game designers know exactly what is involved in a flip. Perhaps when the SDK is released we will know more about the mechanics of it.

    I suspect (based on what I've played) that having a lot of garrison military units in the city helps to prevent the flip, and of course building kultur buildings in the city seems to help too. Perhaps civics options between the two civs makes a difference. (?) but we don't know. The relative culture of the civs in question, particularly the culture radius of the cities nearby, seems to matter, also.

    At this point, it's all conjecture as far as I know...
    Let Them Eat Cake

