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Golden Age = Kill Somebody Age?

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  • Golden Age = Kill Somebody Age?

    I was watching a game replay last night from Noble difficulty. I won handily due to strategic early city placement and closed borders, which netted me a nice real estate advantage throughout the entire game. Anyway on 2 occasions during the game a civ did a surprise war declaration on another civ, once on me, once on an AI civ. I realized while watching the replay that this coincided with the starting of a Golden Age. I thought that was interesting and something I will watch out for in the future.

    So what happened was I was in the lead, followed by Mao, Peter, and Roosevelt. I am friendly with all but Roos since we had fought previously. Mao has his GA and declares war on Peter. One turn later Roos declares war too, which means Peter is going to be screwed. So I considered going to full 2-on-2 world war. But I decided to buy off Mao with some technology and told him to make peace. Then I declared war on Roos and Peter and I wiped him out easily. That was fun.

  • #2
    Will watch out for that. Makes alot of sense that the A.I uses its high period to go crack some skulls, it'd be sensible programming to make the A.I more aggressive when it either gets its UU or has to go get the resource to make it.

    In Civ3 it always appeared that as soon as the A.I had no more room to spam cities it'd go loco...


    • #3
      I'm curious that you seem to have ascribed your success to closed borders. In my current game I'm limiting my border openings and it's making life quite difficult.

      Could it be that Civ IV really has opened the door to multiple play styles?
      "The human race would have perished long ago if its preservation had depended only on the reasoning of its members." - Rousseau
      "Vorwärts immer, rückwärts nimmer!" - Erich Honecker
      "If one has good arms, one will always have good friends." - Machiavelli


      • #4
        why is open borders bad? Sure you get religion spread. But I like it.


        • #5
          Open borders = bad when you're in a strategic position.

          I was in the centre of a snaky continent. 3 civs to the left of me, 3 to the right. I denied them right of passage till they invented Caravals. Worked like a charm. The 3 civs to the left of me never met the 3 on the right of me, and therefor never traded with eachother, never conspired with eachother, etc. Really helped my to control the buggers, and to monopolize the tech trade.
          Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


          • #6
            hmmm. so far I haven't been playing the tech monopoly game as I have in civ3. I've been real friendly about spreading around techs. But as I move up on levels, I'll have to adopt more sound strategies.


            • #7
              I closed my borders after founding some cities far from my capital, which blocked off a significant portion of the continent all to myself to colonize at my leisure. Once I grabbed all the good land in my area I opened my borders to my neighbors so that I could spread religion and improve relations.

              This is beside my original point though. When the Americans had their GA, they immediately declared war on me. Then later when the Chinese had their GA, they declared war on the Russians. So I'm thinking that this is going to be a common theme. Keep up your defenses even during peacetime.


              • #8
                that just hasn't happened to me though. Just finished my game a few minutes ago. I didn't notice any wars after golden ages.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dis
                  that just hasn't happened to me though. Just finished my game a few minutes ago. I didn't notice any wars after golden ages.
                  How powerful were you? I've also got the impression that a golden age makes AI civilizations temporarily more aggressive, but it doesn't make them suicidal.


                  • #10
                    the last game i was playing on i was on prince with 3 other civs. We all had a continent to ourselves but mine was huge. I spread all over it and as i had no boarders with anyone there was no war for ages. I went into civ 3 mode and thought i could get away with little or no military. I was wrong. the mongolians came knocking on my door. Fortunatly i had 3 machine gunners (with 6 xp for +40% city defence) in the city that they attacked which was on a hill! they were attacking with knights and grenadeers...i fought off 9 units with my 3 gunners and only lost 1 of them. The 2 i had left were so good at defending after that! I then built up my own army and went and humped and raized his capitol straigt away! he left me alone after that for some reason!

                    But my point it that it also happend when he hit his GA


