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Observations of a micromanager

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  • Observations of a micromanager

    - It turns out that sometimes you do gain a significant advantage from micromanaging production overflow. Whenever you have a conditional production bonus, like +150% to wonder production, overflow shields from the previous build do not get the bonus. Effectively, you've lost almost 60% of your overflow, and that's a pretty big deal. There is a bit of tricky programming involved in fixing this -- you don't want to grant +100% for Stone to overflow production when the Stone was just hooked up this turn -- but it should be quite doable.

    - On a similar note, chopping forests delivers the best value before you complete a Forge. Before completing a Forge, whenever you chop a forest you get the equivalent of 30 "honest" shields -- as others have noted, conditional production bonuses are applied. However, the programmer forgot to apply this to Forge/Factory production. I don't see any reason why this shouldn't be fixed.

    - Cottages advance during Anarchy -- make sure you work them all, since there's no reason to work any other tiles! (Yeah, this should be fixed.)

    - Since interrupted worker actions can be continued later, you frequently want workers to spend single turns working on moderate priority improvements while en route to a higher priority improvement, because it doesn't cost you anything. For example, if your worker just finished improving a special, and there's an unimproved grassland special two squares away with river grassland in between, you should spend this turn moving a space to the river grassland and starting a farm/cottage, then next turn, first thing you do is interrupt that worker before he uses up his movement for this turn, and get him starting on the special just as early as he otherwise would have.

    This helps neutralize the advantage of Fast Workers (though they are still the undisputed king of early game chopping). It also reduces road spam.

    Either this sort of micromanagement should be embraced by the designers, in which case there should be some interface option to address the problem of workers silently using up their move for the current turn continuing an improvement when you actually want them to do something else (perhaps holding down a key like Alt when starting an improvement makes the worker spend only one turn on it), or something should be changed such that optimizations of the sort I described above are no longer possible/worthwhile.

    - Bureaucracy's trade bonus is multiplicative (though its production bonus is merely additive). I try to delay revolutions until I can usefully switch 2-3 civics at once (and coordinate my production and research to minimize the gap between discovering two useful civics -- e.g. completing Pyramids and discovering Banking on the same turn). I thought Bureaucracy was insignificant enough in an 8-10 city empire that I was better off delaying its adoption 25 or more turns while I patiently assembled the Representation-Mercantilism combo; now I strongly suspect that in my current game, I couldn't have been more wrong, since I was Elizabeth and thus could rush an Academy with Library and 17 Scientist specialist turns. I'm gonna reload that today and see how Bureaucracy-Library-Academy plays out; I expect to be impressed. +162.5% to capital research, increasing to +200% when the University completes, yum...
    Last edited by Dog of Justice; November 13, 2005, 13:04.

  • #2
    On other overflow production, it seems that if you're building something with +100% shields, and chop on the last turn, the full boosted amount of chop gets overflowed, so you can have hundreds of hammers overflow onto something else, like a unit or building.

    I also find stacked workers unsatisfactory, this is a little complicated but let me explain.

    Workers should be able to "store" up to 1 turn of work, that is if they are in a stack of workers, and the stack does work in a turn, but some of the workers DON'T work (they were surplus), the slack workers become "Rested" and can do two turns of work next time the stack works. This way you could use stacks of reasonable size to perform tasks.

    For example if you have a stack of 3 workers making farms (5 turns), then each farm takes 2 turns to complete, for every farm 1 worker turn is wasted. Under the system I propose it would go like this:
    First farm: Takes 2 turns, the first turn, 3 turns of work are done, the 2nd turn, 2 turns of work are done, 1 worker rests.
    Second farm: Takes 2 turns, the first turn, 4 turns of work are done. The second turn, 1 turn is done and 2 rest.
    Third farm: Completes in 1 turn, 5 turns of work are done.

    This would allow you to actually stack workers efficiently rather than "chain" them (move them 1 at a time in a worker chain, so that only precisely the required number work on each improvement).


    • #3
      Re: Observations of a micromanager

      Originally posted by Dog of Justice
      - It turns out that sometimes you do gain a significant advantage from micromanaging production overflow. Whenever you have a conditional production bonus, like +150% to wonder production, overflow shields from the previous build do not get the bonus. Effectively, you've lost almost 60% of your overflow, and that's a pretty big deal. There is a bit of tricky programming involved in fixing this -- you don't want to grant +100% for Stone to overflow production when the Stone was just hooked up this turn -- but it should be quite doable.
      I observed something about "current build overflow correction" and posted it in CFC:

      When a project will be finished in the current turn, mouse over the hammer number will tell you - some hammers current build overflow correction. What exactly is that? I am kind of confused. For example. my heroic epic city is building a knight, 68/90 done, and it just needs 22 hammers for...

      Basically my impression is that "current build overflow correction" is the hammers which are wasted and not carried over the next build when a build is being finished. Is your statement here relevant to that?


      • #4
        Re: Re: Observations of a micromanager

        Originally posted by Heroes

        I observed something about "current build overflow correction" and posted it in CFC:

        When a project will be finished in the current turn, mouse over the hammer number will tell you - some hammers current build overflow correction. What exactly is that? I am kind of confused. For example. my heroic epic city is building a knight, 68/90 done, and it just needs 22 hammers for...

        Basically my impression is that "current build overflow correction" is the hammers which are wasted and not carried over the next build when a build is being finished. Is your statement here relevant to that?
        The "current build overflow correction" actually does the right thing when you don't get any conditional production bonuses on the next thing you build.

        The problem occurs when you START a building which you have a conditional production bonus for. Not when you finish a building.


        • #5
          Re: Re: Re: Observations of a micromanager

          Originally posted by Dog of Justice

          The "current build overflow correction" actually does the right thing when you don't get any conditional production bonuses on the next thing you build.

          The problem occurs when you START a building which you have a conditional production bonus for. Not when you finish a building.
          Yes, I could sort of understand "current build overflow correction" like this: if I gain some hammers for military units due to police state, then the system subtracts this part from overflow lest it extends to a non-military unit. However, when I continue to build another military unit, the system doesn't give this back, which makes me very sad. So MM is still critical.

