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hammers carried over?

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  • hammers carried over?


    as we all know, unused hammers get carried over to the next production, so it is still worth building stuff where in civ1-3 you would have lost out on loads of shields.

    but i have somehow got the feeling that these hammers only get carried further if you actually have a production queue. for when after the screen "what should city ABC produce next" pops up and i go to the view city option, none of my selections shows those hammers while should be already there from the turn before.

    same goes for research. no queue --> lost beakers.

    can somebody confirm this? or am i going at it wrong? or do the hammers get applied in another order?

    thanks for any hints
    - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
    - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.

  • #2
    You can pick a unit or building that turn and have the hammers carry over. If it's enough to reduce production by a turn or more this will be reflected on the 'build next' popup menu. If you view the city, the turns to complete will display the full time, but once selected will drop 1+ turns if applicable.

    You can check this yourself once a production order has been selected by hovering over the hammer at the left end of the bar at the top of the city screen where it'll say something like:

    Base production 10
    Bonus from buildings 2
    Carried over from last build 7

    I'm fairly certain that this applies to research too, so you don't need to frop your research rate as you finish a tech, unlike Civ3.

    Edit: It comes up as 'Overflow from previous build'.
    Last edited by TheHateMale; November 13, 2005, 18:13.


    • #3
      Aye, seems to work correctly to me. Great feature!


      • #4
        i've still had cases where i think it doesn't work. but i'll have a closer look.

        thanks THM
        - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
        - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.

