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Bombarding with Catapults?

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  • Bombarding with Catapults?

    Hello everyone,

    I fired up my first game today and am enjoying it quite a bit

    The only major problem I've encountered is that I can't seem to find the option to bombard with my catapults. Am I missing something? I have my catapults ready to release destruction over the ennemy but I can't find the bombard button. It doesn't appear at the bottom where I would hahe expected it. I tried the "b" button as per Civ3 but that didn't work.

    Any help is much appreciated!
    Then I can release destruction

  • #2
    If you try to bombard an enemy stack,
    well, you can´t do it.
    Only planes can bombard enemy units in Civ IV.

    Siege weapons on the other hand are only able to bombard city defenses and reduce them (i.e. the bonus the defending units of a city get against your forces).
    Therefore the bombard button is displayed only, if you are next to an enemy city.

    The only way to "bombard" enemy stacks of units in Civ IV is, to attack them with the catapult (like you would with a normal unit).
    Siege weapons do collateral damage, i.e. by attacking one unit they are able damage many or even all units within the stack.
    But of course attacking the stack means also that your Catapults have a certain chance to get destryoed unless they are stronger than the enemy (and therefore have good chances to win the fight) or withdraw from battle before getting destroyed (Siege weapons have a 25% waithdrawal chance).

    Therefore in Civ IV you have to build Siege weapons like you would have Cruise missiles in previous parts of Civ, i.e. build many of them as they´re likely to get lost as a result of their attack.
    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


    • #3
      That I think, is like a compromise between the Civ1/2 ways and the Civ3 way. I think it's an improvement.


      • #4
        Yeah. I've found that catapults and other siege weapons are indespensible. Besides the bombardment of cities and elimination of the defensive bonus, the default collateral damage done to stacks is extremely useful. Also, if the catapults (or other siege weapons) don't win the battle, but withdraw instead, they still get experience points. Just try them out and you'll realize how useful they are.


        • #5
          I'm kinda mixed on the new bombard system. I guess it is a lot "fairer" for the AI this time where as in Civ3 the AI had no chance due to lack of programming...My only gripe is navies seem so .... useless? But now the city combat system has turned into a defending SoD(efense) against massed charging catapults... Its basically the same thing, except now we lose a lot more catapults...

          On the funny side, I don't think I can advertise the actual commercial, but there is a TV commercial for a bank, that uses barbs to get its point across. One of the scenes has a groups of barbs charging up a city street with a catapult. Made me chuckle and think of the new bombard system.


          • #6
            Thank you very much for the replies, but unfortunately they didn't solve my problem
            I was next to a city, the adjacent tile and the bombard button did not show up. The city was a barbarian city, could this have been why the button didn't show?


            • #7
              The barbarian city probably didnt have enough culture to generate a defensive bonus, thus the bombard option was taken away.


              • #8
                if there are no defensive % to bombard,
                the bombard button doesn´t show up.

                Also happens if the defenses drop to zero because of your bombardment.
                Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
                Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


                • #9
                  I recently discovered the overwhelming value of siege equipment.

                  In Civ 3 I barely used them. They weren't really worth it in my opinion.

                  But in the civ4 game I'm playing right now I happened to make a 'surplus' of cannons just to see how effective they were.

                  As I suspected, individually they sucked. But 3 cannon completely erased a city defenses in 2 turns.

                  They also come in handy when the comp has more advanced units then you do.

                  Hit those stacks with a bunch of sacrificial cannons and all of a sudden that stack of marines and infantry is beatable by your lowly cavalry and riflemen.

                  They have won high marks from me for that ability!
                  ..there are known ‘knowns’ There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know. ~~Donald Rumsfeld

