How do you guys see the way strategic resources (coal, iron, copper, uranium, horses etc.) are handled in the game?
I am pretty happy with the other resources, however I think the strategic ones were made too important, to the point of being able to ruin the game. This may be less of a problem in single player games on "realistic" maps, such as terra - as you can always haggle some resource from the AI or found a city near it, but in multiplayer games on "artificial" maps (such as hub), lacking an important resource can make or break a game, essentially making it dependable on a totally random factor. For example, in my recent MP game as Russians, I had bad lack not to have horses, coal, uranium or oil on my territory at all - they were all on the territories of my enemies.
Personally, I think it would be a good idea (possibly for a patch or an expansion pack - I know it can be modded,but once again mods are something more appropriate for SP, rather than MP) to downplay their role, by making them work in a way similar to stone or marble for some wonders - reducing the production of some units if you have an access to the resource, not making it impossible to build whatsoever (of course, with a corresponding increase of a production cost of the same unit - so if you had a resource the unit would take about as much to build as right now, while if you didn't it would take twice or three times as long).
I am pretty happy with the other resources, however I think the strategic ones were made too important, to the point of being able to ruin the game. This may be less of a problem in single player games on "realistic" maps, such as terra - as you can always haggle some resource from the AI or found a city near it, but in multiplayer games on "artificial" maps (such as hub), lacking an important resource can make or break a game, essentially making it dependable on a totally random factor. For example, in my recent MP game as Russians, I had bad lack not to have horses, coal, uranium or oil on my territory at all - they were all on the territories of my enemies.
Personally, I think it would be a good idea (possibly for a patch or an expansion pack - I know it can be modded,but once again mods are something more appropriate for SP, rather than MP) to downplay their role, by making them work in a way similar to stone or marble for some wonders - reducing the production of some units if you have an access to the resource, not making it impossible to build whatsoever (of course, with a corresponding increase of a production cost of the same unit - so if you had a resource the unit would take about as much to build as right now, while if you didn't it would take twice or three times as long).