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Tanks: promote right away, or not?

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  • Tanks: promote right away, or not?

    Let's say I'm in a war where I have a decent tech advantage--say, my tanks vs their riflemen. Let's say I'm also running some wartime civics, so that my tanks come off of the assembly line with two promotions. Finally, let's say I spot a decent-sized enemy stack on the open plains which I want to whittle down a bit. I decide to attack it with a few tanks, and, because of my tech advantage, ideally I'll be able to attack twice with each tank.

    In such a situation obviously I should promote my tanks to Combat I and Pinch (or whatever the "bonus vs Gunpowder" promotion is called). So my question is this: given that I want my tanks to survive two attacks as healthy (and, obviously, alive) as possible, should I use my promotions before each tank's first attack, or before the second attack? Using them before the first attack gives the tanks an obvious +35% against the riflemen, but using them later heals the tanks quite a bit (I'm not sure how much) from their first attack.

    Now, if I were facing equal-tech units, I would obviously want to promote my tanks right away, to make sure they survive the first battle. But I feel pretty confident about unpromoted tanks vs riflemen, so I think I should be able to win two fights, not just one. Since, as we all know, attacking with wounded units is a sure way to lose to inferior forces and get mad enough to complain endlessly on the forums, my instinct is to somewhat counterintuitively leave my tanks unpromoted for their first fight, and then promote to heal. But I don't know if this is the technically correct strategy or not. Anyone have any solid numbers to answer this question?

  • #2
    If I knew that my tanks would have to fight 2 fights and had extremly good chances to survive the first fight,
    I would probably split my promotions and give the first promotion before the first combat (so increasing the chances to win the first fight without losing too much Hitpoints and would give the second promotion before the second combat (to heal part/all of the damage the unit sustained during the first battle).
    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


    • #3
      Yes if you are not about to engage old off. If you are going to fight soon, but will win easily hold off. Otherwise use one or more if they could make the difference.

      I like to hold them back to get the healing boost, when they could be under pressure.

      Also you may need a defensive bonus now, but prefer some other type later.


      • #4
        I'd recommend promoting a couple of tanks right off. Give those Barrage and First Strike. Use those to attack. They should win, and damage everything in the stack while doing so. This will make all subsequent attacks easier.
        Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.

