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Civilopedia Question

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  • Civilopedia Question

    Is there a way to get the civilopedia to index things by words instead of pictorgrams?

    Am I missing something here?


  • #2
    if you click one of the icons they get listed somewhat alphabetically on the right by text. not intuitive i know. games shouldnt be released before finished...
    Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


    • #3
      Originally posted by LzPrst
      if you click one of the icons they get listed somewhat alphabetically on the right by text. not intuitive i know. games shouldnt be released before finished...
      Ok, you REALLY need to shut up now. You've spammed your point in 50 threads. We all know how you feel, and you're not contributing anything now except petulant whining (most of it inaccurate, too).

      Tutto nel mondo è burla


      • #4
        Calm. Maybe he is going on a bit, but the fact remains that he HAS purchased a half finished product.
        "Bite my shiny metal ass" - Bender B. Rodriguez


        • #5
          Hey guys, I agree with Boris. The topic of this forum is can the civilopedia be referenced by text/alphabetically.

          One answer is clicking to read one opens up a menu. (Ill have to try this.)

          Any other solutions?

          Thanks all


          • #6
            The civilopedia is useless for many very sensitive topics. It don't show anything about railroads, how fresh water affects the health and tons of other important things.


            • #7
              Originally posted by spy14
              Calm. Maybe he is going on a bit, but the fact remains that he HAS purchased a half finished product.
              That's a fact? Funny, since I can play a game from beginning to end (and enjoy it as much as any Civ game I've ever played), I'm curious as to how this is a "fact." Methinks your definition of "half finished" is both hyperbolic and subjective.
              Tutto nel mondo è burla

