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starting locations not balanced well

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  • starting locations not balanced well

    I've been noticing a huge variation in how good a spot I'm given for my starting city. Sometimes I start inland without any good food production and maybe 1 or 2 special resources that I can't use without calendar. Other times I'll start on the coast at the mouth of a river with 6 special resources within my city radii.

    That's right 6 resources! My current game started off with my first city having cows, 2 fish, and 3 clams within my city radii. This is actually the first time I've run into a problem where I have so much food production in a city that I have to NOT use some of my special resources. Both of my fish are sitting there unused atm.

  • #2
    I agree with you there. And it is not just starting locations either.

    In succession game #3 we are on a continent alone (after kicking the neighbors out) with 9 cities and the following resources:

    4 fish
    2 clam
    3 pig
    3 corn
    1 sheep
    5 dye !
    4 spices !
    5 silk !
    3 incense

    1 stone
    1 copper
    2 iron
    2 horse

    I have played other games where I am occupying a similar area with 3 or 4 resources total.


    • #3
      I think the way the resources are somewhat randomized is excellent, for all you know, in the late game you won't have any Aluminium or Oil and will be begging other civilizations for there resources. I think it all evens out in the end you will find. But yeah that capital city site is crucial, your capital is destined to be your big money/science earner so you want a nice big healthy population in there and lots of towns.


      • #4
        In a single player game, the randomness helps make the game fun because one game you can start out great and try to have a perfect builder game type play; in another you may have to go to early conquest to have any shot at success.


        • #5
          In a single player game, the randomness helps make the game fun because one game you can start out great and try to have a perfect builder game type play; in another you may have to go to early conquest to have any shot at success.

          This is more of a general thread.

