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AI bonuses and penalties per difficulty level

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Melboz99
    Speaking of AI cheats,

    On my last game on Continents I shared a continent with Alexander.

    We were very peacefull for the entire ancient through industrial ages. As such, we had open borders.

    Somewhere around my middle ages, he plunked down two cities on the opposite side of my territory, right on my borders.

    It didn't bother me much until I dicovered the tech that revealed Uranium.

    Yep, sure enough, both cities were within 1 square of 2 of 3 Uranium deposits on that continent.

    One city happened to be sitting directly on top of the Uranium.

    Thing is, he wasn't even out of the Ancient age when he settled those. I finnally captured them at the end of the Great Indian/Roman War. He was still defending them with Longbowman, and this was about 100 turns after he put them there.

    Dan O.
    What happened to Dan P.?

    Well once you have played the game a lot then you too will start to settle cities in areas you suspect that resources will be that you are unable to see at that time. Also, I'm surprised that you hadn't already settled in that area, even with worthless cities, if only to secure your borders, and prevent anyone else settling there and potentially becoming a threat in later years.


    • #17
      I usually take over those kinds of cities with culture. You know, the one's the AI puts on your island.


      • #18
        In my last game i was playing on Prince/Epic with small map 6 civs. In 1200 I was attacked by Horse Archer/Maceman army and lost 2 cities (I only had 4). I pumped units with my remaining cities and built up an army for about 150 years. I had no Iron so this was stirctly axmen and Horse Archers and Captauplts with a few longbowman. After I had about 20-30 units I went and systematically took every arabian city and killed him by 1450. So no attacking is not too hard. It should be difficult to take cities and should be a huge investment as taking a large enemy city is more valuable than any wonder in the game unless your empire is already very large.

        I went on to win that game through domination.
        Lesson 1 Don't be so quick to give up, through perseverence your games will be much more enjoyable
        Lesson 2 Attacking is exactly the rgith difficulty.

        Lead with 3-4 siege units then follow up with a balanced force of 10+ units.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Becephalus
          In my last game i was playing on Prince/Epic with small map 6 civs. In 1200 I was attacked by Horse Archer/Maceman army and lost 2 cities (I only had 4). I pumped units with my remaining cities and built up an army for about 150 years. I had no Iron so this was stirctly axmen and Horse Archers and Captauplts with a few longbowman. After I had about 20-30 units I went and systematically took every arabian city and killed him by 1450. So no attacking is not too hard. It should be difficult to take cities and should be a huge investment as taking a large enemy city is more valuable than any wonder in the game unless your empire is already very large.

          I went on to win that game through domination.
          Lesson 1 Don't be so quick to give up, through perseverence your games will be much more enjoyable
          Lesson 2 Attacking is exactly the rgith difficulty.

          Lead with 3-4 siege units then follow up with a balanced force of 10+ units.
          I definately figured out how to do it in the modern age. 6 bombers and around 10 tanks (and a couple of battleships) just laid wasted to every single French city in my current game.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Becephalus
            In my last game i was playing on Prince/Epic with small map 6 civs. In 1200 I was attacked by Horse Archer/Maceman army and lost 2 cities (I only had 4). I pumped units with my remaining cities and built up an army for about 150 years. I had no Iron so this was stirctly axmen and Horse Archers and Captauplts with a few longbowman. After I had about 20-30 units I went and systematically took every arabian city and killed him by 1450. So no attacking is not too hard. It should be difficult to take cities and should be a huge investment as taking a large enemy city is more valuable than any wonder in the game unless your empire is already very large.

            I went on to win that game through domination.
            Lesson 1 Don't be so quick to give up, through perseverence your games will be much more enjoyable
            Lesson 2 Attacking is exactly the rgith difficulty.

            Lead with 3-4 siege units then follow up with a balanced force of 10+ units.
            Prince? You would've been better off trying to get a spaceship or a cultural victory. Micromanagering 30+ units every turn so you can conquer an enemy civ who obviously was already way behind you in techs before your military-buildup since he hasn't already discovered riflemen by the time you start attacking, very enjoyable for sure.

            Lesson 2 Attacking is exactly the rgith difficulty.
            That's nice. Now try doing the same on monarch. I can win a spaceship victory on monarch, but can you dominate?

            I sure as hell can't. Perhaps I just suck with combat or something. The biggest problem is that they've taken out the at/def values while still keeping the tile defensive bonuses.


            • #21
              Even at noble difficulty are player and AI not equal BOTH get certain advantages. The AI has to pay less unit upgrade and unit maintenance but has to pay more production to build it's unit on noble difficulty. Check this post for more information:


              • #22
                That's nice. Now try doing the same on monarch. I can win a spaceship victory on monarch, but can you dominate?

                I sure as hell can't. Perhaps I just suck with combat or something. The biggest problem is that they've taken out the at/def values while still keeping the tile defensive bonuses.[/q]

                How does removing A/D values, but keeping the tile defense values, affect combat in a negative way?
                You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                • #23
                  [q=VJ]Prince? You would've been better off trying to get a spaceship or a cultural victory. Micromanagering 30+ units every turn so you can conquer an enemy civ who obviously was already way behind you in techs before your military-buildup since he hasn't already discovered riflemen by the time you start attacking, very enjoyable for sure.[/q]

                  Where is that 0.1/10 Troll smilie when you want it?

                  And WTF does that mean? This is a game. People play it for fun. They play it however they want to. Thinking ahead and beating the AI that invaded them is often a way of having fun, because they don't like going for a peacful victory.

                  And where do you read that the Arabians were backwards? And building that sort of force with just 2 cities is damned difficult.
                  You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by kolpo
                    Even at noble difficulty are player and AI not equal BOTH get certain advantages. The AI has to pay less unit upgrade and unit maintenance but has to pay more production to build it's unit on noble difficulty. Check this post for more information:
                    This is wrong- the AI pays the SAME at NOBLE level. Regardless of the XML numbers. A 100 for the AI and a 50 for the human equals parity.

                    Test before you post,eh?

