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MiniMap is always dark and a few other odd graphics issues

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  • MiniMap is always dark and a few other odd graphics issues

    When I first bought the game I couldn't get it to work for more then 5-10 minutes at a time. I upgraded my vid card and now the game runs okay with a few issues and the occaision reboot crash.

    First, when I start the game the main menu appears but the background is this odd blue color and some of the planetary lights show up.

    Second, when I start a game the graphics for type of planet don't show up and all I see is black. Also when I select the type of planet it is black when standard is selected but shows the planet for the other sizes.

    Third, when I got to selecte a leader I can see the leaders fine but the background for each one is solid red, this continues in the game itself when I am talking to other leaders.

    Fourth, when I am starting a game the little formation of the earth movie is balck, but the Nimoy narration still plays.

    Finally, when playing a game on a standard size map the mini-map is black and I cannot see anything on it. I do not know if this goes for the other size maps as well but it didn't show up on a large world either.

    My system specs:
    AMD Athlon 1.33
    768 MB rams
    GeForce 660 GT 128
    Windows XP SP2
    30 GB free HD sapce.

    So has anyone else had these issues and/or have any solutions that might help. I don't think it is my copy because I didn't have these issues with the old vid card the game just wouldn't run/work 90% of the time.

  • #2
    So I solved pretty much all these problems, updated the bink, miles and python files to the most current one and I reinstalled for the umpteenth time. Also instead of BSOD crashes now I just get a CTD so just need to figure that one out.


    • #3
      For the ignorant...

      Where did you find the files you mentioned?


      • #4
        After some further investigation updating Bink, Miles and Python did more to increase performance then fix the graphic issues. You can get the Bink and Miles tools from Rad Tools or something, just google Bink. I found this solution in a thread on here or civ fanatics.

        The graphical errors were solved by a errant video card driver update, I find 71.89 or 81.85 work the best, the newest is more stable but some people can't get it to work right and find 71.89 to be better.

