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Early/Mid game catch up

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  • #16
    I used to have the same problems you describe on Noble difficulty. I had a huge boom in the early game and would have a couple super cities with a good amount of wonders, at least one religion founded and a good defensive military. However I'd always, always have a long period of decline in the midgame, I'd go from a 200 point lead on the computer to 100, to barely keeping ahead, and finally to the point were I keep going up and down from #1 spot based on something like a tech research.

    But, I found a good way to counter that, and this, keeping in mind that prior to doing this I was mostly a peaceful player, using armies for defense and the occasional war (never had too much success in blitzkrieg then, wars always became horribly drawn out).

    What I did is simple, when you reach the early-mid game transition point (about when you have catapults, crossbowmen, macemen, horse archers, swordsmen) go to war with the neighbor that hates you the most. When you go to war, have in mind a goal to totally annhilate them, I played games where I'd only partially subjugate them and have problems keeping the conquered cities under my authority, whether due to counter attack or revolt. My typical strategy is to have a good force of catapults and infantry (4-5 catapults, 6-8 total crossbows (Cho Ko Nu are great), swordsmen, axemen, etc. and take as many cities as fast as possible.

    Now, assuming your opponent has a decent infrastructure setup, he'll have about 5 towns, probably more, taking them all will put you into the negatives, that's okay, typically I find myself at about 60-70% research with a financial civ after the conquest. Once the war is over and you rebuild the infrastructure these towns provide an excellent area of additional production that oftentimes match my homeland areas once they get rebuilt. This essentially double the productive power of the Empire and by the time you're ready for a second war of a similar fashion your economy is pretty healthy. This pretty much in effect provides a large bonus to your score and keeps you ahead of the computer, the doubled empire size makes up for the loss in % research in my opinion.
    Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair!


    • #17
      wow, thanks for the help. I'm definitely going to focus more on production and war early on than I do now. I just got done playing another game where I shared a smaller continent with the English, and even though I haven't had any problems with the English, if I had their production capabilities I definitely wouldn't have just gotten my rear end kicked by Montezuma. Any more comments would be much appretiated.


      • #18
        yes war definately helps, however its not something I believe you should rely upon just to keep in the race if you're using a builder strategy anyway. Aim to keep on par with the AI and then add the conquest to push yourself way ahead of them


        • #19
          My most recent game has been my most "even" performance, I haven't experienced the same tech stagnation. The biggest difference has been the financial trait. You get an immediate payoff for building cottages and lighthouses. Cottages on flood plains with Financial rocks. Try out a different trait combo and maybe you can break out of your mid-game malaise!


          • #20
            Rules of thumb

            1. Any resource tile -> the improvement it benifits from. Always worth replacing the original improvement that was there [or forest] if a previous structure was present prior to the resource ariving.


            2. Anything + hills -> Mine [Ensure you have enough food to make this worth while, only worked mines can discover resources]


            3. Plains + fresh water -> FARM! [Food & shields & commerce.] It's generally worthwhile to chop forest for this.

            4. Grassland + fresh water, usually a cottage but sometimes a farm, but ensure it will be worked. But avoid choking off paths for farms if the city looks like it will need it. Sometimes worth choping a forest.

            5. Grassland & no fresh water -> Generally screams out for a cottage, but ensure it would be worked. Almost never worth chopping a forest.

            6. Forest that's outside all your city raidus [with no plans to establish a city there] and in friendly or netural terriority : Chop for shields.

            Basically health is extremely important for growing your towns, and the forest standing around provides free help. By contrast, that jungle is hurts.

            And a couple of more rules of thumb:

            City govenror placing a worker on an unimproved ocean tile -> City can work a newly established grassland cottage.

            City governror placing a worker on an unimproved forest -> City can work a newly established mine on a grassland+hills tile.

            And a better use than food when either health or happiness is the limit is specalists. Their much, much better than they were in Civ III. Even the default citizen provides a shield.
            1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
            Templar Science Minister
            AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


            • #21
              That brings up another question: Specialists. I was wondering if people here would recommend maxing them out as soon as possible for every city? or maybe just in very important cities? At what stage in the game do you use specialists?


              • #22
                I've had success just using "Free" specialists, like from Merchanitilism. But I'm not a great person whore (yet). With Caste it's very useful to make Artists in new bases for quick culture expansion (ofcourse civic-wise rep+caste+merchant is best).

                Science specialists are good in your super-science city. Merchant specialists are good in your other cities.

                Bear in mind a town is typically better than a specialist, the great people points do help specialists a bit, but in terms of raw commerce towns are king. This is why I usually only use free specialists or artists.


                • #23
                  Can someone explain this a little more? I don't quite understand what the "cap" is.

                  "Just build enough farms to reach your happiness/health cap. If you reached that cap, more food is wasted."

