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cannot beat ai on certain level please help

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  • cannot beat ai on certain level please help

    ok i was playing the ai on the level where the ai had a slight edge in production and tech..

    i was trying different strategies to beat it, but its just not working. say you pick continents on small map like 3or 4 civs... u cant possibly keep up with the highest civ in tech.. so to counter this i thought you could do it through diplomacy.. like trade with the civs who have lower points then you... no matter what i do i cant seem to catch up to the lead civ in points usually they got me by like 500 at the end of the game...

    also i tried to make all or just some of lower civs attack the point leader to slow him down... but its hard as hell to get them to do so...

    i played civ 3 alot and could almost when on even the hardest level,, im finding the ai on this version to be more difficult...

    another thing is the speed of the game.. i have on the fastest does this make a difference.. i can almost finish a whole game in a couple of hours... does the speed alter how many turns in the game... or not.

    anyhelp would be great..

  • #2
    The easy answer here is try playing on an easier level. I played my first two games on Noble and got massacred. Instead of frustrating myself by playing on Noble again, I've gone to a much lower level to learn the game mechanics and have some fun before I try a more challenging game.
    Formerly known as Masuro.
    The sun never sets on a PBEM game.


    • #3
      I played one at each level starting at Settler (way too easy no matter how you look at it). I've played a couple on Noble and it's a good spot for me until I figure the game out a bit more

      It is possible to keep up and even surpass an AI with an advantage if you really use your land well


      • #4
        Re: cannot beat ai on certain level please help

        Originally posted by jbidd2400

        i was trying different strategies to beat it, but its just not working.


        i can almost finish a whole game in a couple of hours...
        Maybe you should spend a bit longer over your turns


        • #5
          That's funny, Cort Haus . I guess I'm the opposite type and it usually takes me days to get the 12th century or so. By then I've already got bored by my own slowness, I decide that I will surely win anyway and just start a new game without completing any of the games I started .

          I've only had the game for about a week though and I always play the standard lake map and at Noble level so far. The way I figured out how to beat the AIs at Tech is to beeline for Alphabet (except for Copper Mining to chop the trees, or farming if really needed) and then do tech tradings before anyone else does.

          I can't say for sure but it seems the AIs think it can trade Alphabet from me after I get it so they tend to research anything else but Alphabet. However, I never trade Alphabet with themno mater what so their reseaches really get stalled due to the lack of tradings among themselves. I'm always way ahead of them. But maybe Noble is a below-average level ?

          In the current game, as Gandhi on a great flood plain spot, I want to have a little fun so I hoard the religious techs and found all the religions in the world (haven't got to Islam yet but that should be a piece of cake when I get to that point). I'll see if I can make some money by being so religious. Maybe I will even try to finish the game this time .


          • #6
            Originally posted by Calvin Vu
            But maybe Noble is a below-average level ?
            Noble is the "fair" level.

            In the current game, as Gandhi on a great flood plain spot, I want to have a little fun so I hoard the religious techs and found all the religions in the world (haven't got to Islam yet but that should be a piece of cake when I get to that point). I'll see if I can make some money by being so religious. Maybe I will even try to finish the game this time .
            If you spread all your religions and build the special wonder for each, you will rake in an unbelievable amount of gold. You likely won't even have a use for it all


            • #7
              On easy levels you can just roll in the money. No need for Cottages. Cottages are much more important on higher levels because u need the money and it slows city growth (specialists can be harder to come by on harder levels.)
              Citizen of the Apolyton team in the ISDG
              Currently known as Senor Rubris in the PTW DG team

