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Too many special resources?

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  • Too many special resources?

    Maybe it is just me, but it seems there are far too many resources in my games (i.e. too easy). I am not having any trouble getting multiple resources of every kind (EXCEPT MARBLE!! I've never even seen marble on any of my maps yet. Is it a bug?)

    Is the number of resources available dependent on map size? I wish there was a way to specifiy how resource rich random maps will seed.

  • #2
    I think the idea was that you can use the excess to trade for others. In Civ 3, you had 8 luxury resources and 8 strategic resources. In Civ 4, you've got many more than that, plus all the natural resources can be traded too. There will be something you don't have, and the excess of the things you do possess can be used as trade goods.
    Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


    • #3
      Still seems as if I have far too many, too easily. It might have only been the fact I played on a standard size map and swept away a rival civ early that gave me such a surplus of various resources. But honestly, I didn't need too many health or happiness buildings at all even into modern times to keep my burgeoning cities good because of all the special resources I was pulling in. In fact, I had so much I was giving some away without causing a deficit to my own civ.


      • #4
        it's only for just that one game? perhaps it's a coincidence.


        • #5
          I had a similar predicament. I don't even need hospitals or supermarkets in any but my largest food surpluses. Luxuries were somewhat harder to come by. I don't know that having an abundance is bad. They serve as tile buffs, meaning you can spare some tiles for cottages or mines. Part of the reason might be the predeposition players have to setting up cities by good tiles. Or maybe thats just me.
          Every man should have a college education in order to show him how little the thing is really worth.


          • #6
            It definitely could be a combination of a good start and a larger than average Civ size. If you've already steamrolled an AI or two you're definitely going to have some surplus resources. If you find you're able to do that consistently, bump yourself up a level.

