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CD Replacement

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  • CD Replacement

    So I managed to drop my play CD and rolled over it in my chair. Nice. I hate it when games require the CD to play. Especially when my burned backups don't work as the Play CD. So since the game makers are thinking everyone is pirating their games, will firaxis will replace broken CD's? Or do I get to suck it up and buy a new one because they think everyone is a thief.

  • #2
    Just get the noCD patch. I don't know if I'm allowed to say where to get it so I won't. But we all know they exist, and if you own the game you are doing nothing wrong by using a noCD patch. It's a good incentive for firaxis to patch early and often.

    EDIT: Of course this is if they refuse to replace your CD.


    • #3
      Well, try this argument:
      You have purchased the software on the cd. the cd is merely the container for your purchased goods. since the container (CD) is copyprotected you cant make backup copies and therefore you are dependent on the cd functioning properly in order to access your purchased product. Therefore, if the cd that contains your purchased software, and you're unable to make safety copies, becomes defect, then the producer has a duty to ensure your continued access to your purchased product.

      This can be argued further from the following fact. The cd itself is worth nothing. Each cd produced costs less than a dollar, less than a quarter of a dollar probably. Therefore you have payed for the software ON the cd and not the cd itself. Thus if the cd becomes broken, you should be given a new one as you have already purchased the right to use the software, not the cd.

      I used this argument when a console game broke and the guy in the store said the organization in question rarely gave out new ones. they did for me

      Of course, judging from your flag, you live in the United States where consumer rights = communism, so you might be in trouble on that account...
      Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


      • #4
        Gah, you don't need such an elaborate argument. The publisher should replace CDs, and period.
        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man

