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Can't Even Get Install To Begin

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  • Can't Even Get Install To Begin

    AMD Athlon 2800 (2.1 GHtz)
    FX 5600 256MB
    1 GB RAM

    Directx 9.0c
    nVidia Forceware driver 71.89

    The disc drive is a DVD rewriter and happily opens to explore the game disc ... which is the DVD version & was bought today in UK.

    Either by allowing autoplay (or running it from Windows explorer) I get the options to Install, Read Me or Exit. I read the read me then clciked the install button (wondering where the express and custom install options had gone ... ho-hum)

    InstallShield gives me an nVidia set up and installs new drivers ... OK fine by me ... soon done. Have to restart.

    After reboot ran dxdiag. No discernible changes to display drivers have been made!

    Run autoplay again and the nVidia splash appears again. Cancelling it takes to the desktop, letting it go ahead just leads to a finished installing nVidia drivers ... restart when ya like!

    I just tried installing it on this laptop, told it to forget about the Directx and it leapt straight into the next stage ... so the disk is OK.

    I can run The Sims 2 without problems (and that saying something) ... s any ideas what's up with my system?

  • #2
    Instead of running autorun.exe, have you tried running setup.exe directly from the disc?
    "The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."
    -- Kosh


    • #3
      Yeah. I tried that too. I've tried everything I can think of short of disassembling the PC. The Windows installation is fairly new XP Pro SP2. And I'm the only user and it's almost exclusively used for gaming. I have no idea why setup.exe is reacting the way it does. I even tried to unpack the data1 archive but my version of Winrar choked on it ... and that's just the small one


      • #4
        Your driver wouldn't be from the brand "LG" would it? If it is, look here


        • #5
          It's a Liteon ... gonna go check the website for any possible help but the drive reads the disc fine. Instantly opening it up for any amount of browsing. Now if I could just unpack those archives ...


          • #6
            The problem might be an incompatibility between your drive and the Civ 4 copy protection. The drive manufacturer could have a firmware update to resolve the conflict.

            However, after re-reading your original post I see that the setup program wants to do something with your nVidia drivers. I don't recall this happening when I installed the game, and I have an nVidia card (a different model, though).

            I thought that setup only tried to update directX, but could be wrong. If you haven't already done so, you might want to try rolling back the nVidia update (via device manager) and then running setup again.
            "The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."
            -- Kosh


            • #7
              LOL Pete. I just tried updating the video driver to 81.85 ... or whatever the flaming heck! It was last April's 71.89 which did not change when the Installshield (started by the Civ4 game disc) went to the trouble of installing new display drivers. I kept wondering what the heck was going on so I downloaded the latest Forceware (81.85) from and installed that ... restarted ... I'm not a total plank and tried again.

              Eureka! It was still not working ... but differently I now got an installshield message informing me that I was about to install an older driver than the one I already had. Agreeing that it would be silly to continue took me out of the installshield and back to my nice shiny desktop. If and when I recover the will to live I'll try telling it to downgrade my display driver ... though, frankly I have very little faith that will work either (because Installshield had been upgrading me to 71.89 anyway and still not working afterwards ... though in a wildly surreal kinda way I can imagine that it might just work ... will to live willing, that is ).

              At this moment I am seriously considering taking the wretched merchandise back to Walmart's UK cuz, ASDA, for a refund come tomorrow morning. I agree that it may well be a copy-protect issue and if so that's a complete shame because I have never pirated software and couldn't name a site for no-CD cracks or whatever if my life depended on it.


              • #8
                I solved the problem by copying the DVD to the HDD and running setup.exe from there. Game is running well so far.

                Thanks for the help, folks.


                • #9
                  I also cannot install. Am told I must remove previous installations and close all open programmes.
                  No previous installations and impossible to close ALL programmes.
                  Tried copyiong to disc and installing from start.exe but no joy.
                  So much for pre-ordering!

