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First Game Completed - Amazing experience

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  • First Game Completed - Amazing experience

    The game ran beautifully.. no crashes, no unreasonable slowdowns on a standard continental map all the way till I finish the game in 2006AD.

    I have a p4 3Ghz, with 1.5GB RAM, and an ATI X300 Radeon.

    The game does crash when in the Internet multiplayer lobby. VERY annoying.

    Okay now to my game.

    I know a lot of people have complained about the combat implementation in Civ 4. Saying its not fair and too hard.. I must say I had an amazing experience. I think the combat system is simply superb.

    For the first time when I went into war, I was creating different types of units not just for the sake of it, but because of a grand strategy. If I had wanted I could have had a domination victory or even a conquest. I only created 9 cities, one of which flipped over to the Arabians because of my neglect.

    I will talk about the combat system in detail because I'm so impressed by it.

    1) I used gunships. Gunships are excellent territory controllers. I had 4 of them 2 on defese and 2 in the territory of the enemy I was attacking. They may not attack cities but they made sure that every battle was on my terms. I loved them!

    2) I used bombers. Oh How I loved those bombers. Yes, you can take losses if the enemy has fighters or SAM infantry, but luckily for me my enemies didn't have too many of those. I'm not sure if the feature to pound units in cities was left in there intentionally.. but bombers are the only units that can bombard a city and damage units! If you bomb the units in the city 3 times in a row you can get the all the units healths to HALF!.

    3) Artillery/Tanks. After my bombers softened up the enemy units I made it a point to attack with these guys because of their ability to damage the entire stack.

    4) Marines/Mobile Infantry. To mop up whatever crumbled up, half dead units were left.

    I found this strategy immensely successfull and was able to sweep across my enemy lands almost completely unopposed.

    What impressed me was how to achieve this domination I had to use all those units together with a grand plan! I wasn't just overpowering them by brute force and pure numbers.. but instead civ 4 let me carry out an organized attack and reap its rewards.

    So the civ 4 combat system doesn't make it harder for the attacker to win the war.. it makes it important that the attacker have a grand plan and not just go rushing in with his hordes. Same with the defense.. Civ 4 makes you think of your attack/defense strategy. I absolutely love that!

    I didn't see the same level of strategy needed for naval battles but if firaxis could get that into the game, I'd .. I'd.. I'd... I dont know what I'd do.. think about it.. what if the AI made naval warfare necessary. I couldn't get my transports to the enemy shore without an appropriate complement of destroyers, submarines, carriers and fighters escorting my transports ..because I needed to whole co-ordinated armada to pull off a landing. I can imagine it being hard to code in AI, but if they could pull that off..

    I did loose 2 gunships to elephant units which bugged me a bit, but my gunships were down to 2 and 4 health both times that happened. So I'm not too upset by it.

    Also, I noticed that if I completely take out a civilization I no longer have to worry about the unhappiness of a conquered population. They become 100% integrated.. which kinda doesn't make sense. Just because the aztec civilization no longer exists, does not mean that the conquered citizens are no longer aztecs.. they should continue hating me for a generation atleast. (8-10 turns) not just suddenly become 100% integrated the moment the last of their cities falls.

    If you've got this far in my post.. then kudos to you. Thanks for reading. I will post

    Now for some criticism .. constructive I hope.

    Music was indeed excellent, wonder movies and final space flight victory movies sucked .. Would've loved to see my spaceship getting built atleast.

    Overall, the game felt like a super improved cersion of Ctp more than civ 2 (haven't played civ 3). I really liked how ctp allowed me to build my civilization into the future as well. I would love it if Civ 4 gave such an ability as well.

    Thats it for now. I'll post more if I can think of anything else..
    King Thor

  • #2
    I, too, have just finished with a space race victory, in 1960. Meanwhile I've conquered over half of the land mass (on huge), eliminating 3 civilization out of 12. Besides a few units lossed in the BC times, I've suffered zero casuality throughout the history (so creating numerous level 6 modern tank units).

    One complain - almost impossible for bombers to gain any experience point.

    With the entire continent under my control, I am heading for the other hemisphere. There are the remaining 7 civs, almost all of them are part of some mutual defence pack. And because I've left them alone for eons, they will be very developed and advanced by the time I can organize a full-scale invasion across the ocean.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Dr,ape
      One complain - almost impossible for bombers to gain any experience point.
      Not almost impossible, totally impossible. Air units do not promote.

      - Sirian


      • #4
        awww that means no top gun units then, huh....
        I thought at least the fighters would be able to get experience for intercepting.

