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Culture bomb fizzled?

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  • Culture bomb fizzled?

    I've run into an interesting problem. My culture bomb did not work at all. I took Cuzco and used a great artist with the hope of flipping other cities without a war. But now it appears his low culture cities are going to take Cuzco.

    I checked the culture in the world builder and Cuzco has over 4000, Vilcabamba has 30, and Ollantaytambo 101.

    What is going on with my borders?

    I messed around in the world builder a little and if you change the culture in that city you can get borders that I would expect. Some bug at work here.

    Also, why can't I give a city more than 1000 culture in the world builder?

    Attached is the save before the bomb.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I'm thinking, there might be less of their culture, but it's older culture, harder to root out...
    I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


    • #3
      I had a similar situation when I captured a city within the enemy territory and did not get a single square around it, despite dropping the culture bomb inside.

      Would be cool if someone from Firaxis confirmed this is a WAD (i.e. old culture is harder to replace by new culture) and not a bug.
      The problem with leadership is inevitably: Who will play God?
      - Frank Herbert


      • #4
        If your mouse was hovering over your city when you took that screenshot then you are in no danger of having your city flip. A city is only in danger of flipping if it has less than 50% of your population. And culture bombs take awhile to take effect, dunno what the exact formula is though. Also I believe cities you take by conquest cannot be flipped back to the original owner anyways


        • #5
          That Olla city is the capitol, impossible to cultureflip and it has "strong borders" no matter what. I don't know if there's a formula for this, but would like to know what dictates the borders for a strong cultured city vs a capital. One important factor is distance from your own capital.

          In standard game a city cannot cultureflip if conquered, this can be turned on in a custom game however.


          • #6
            Originally posted by sittingsparrow
            That Olla city is the capitol, impossible to cultureflip and it has "strong borders" no matter what.
            Yeah - this must be the case. Capital city culture borders must take precedence over other cities. What's weird is - you have that one yellow square in the ocean above Huayna Capa's territory... that must be where your borders would have extended if they weren't competing with a capital city. I guess. Maybe.
            "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
            "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
            "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


            • #7
              I had a similar experience myself. I was separated from the Greeks by a narrow straight. I sailed over and took their capital. I then hit it with a culture bomb, but didn't get any border expansion.

              I did notice, however, that the percentage of my people in the city was quite low (and growing slowly). It only reached 31% the turn I decided to gift it back to the Greeks.

              Considering that I took over their capital, however, it doesn't seem like the "capital city culture borders" would be in effect, unless they are instantaneous (at this point I don't recall where their capital moved to).



              • #8
                Ah I think it is the answer, actually. When you mouse over any border land tile, you will see it has a breakdown of a percentage of competing cultures. If the city itself has less than 50% of your culture, I suspect it is not exerting pressure on the nearby borders, irrespective of the actual cultural value of the city after the bomb. (Effectively, if you have say 30% your culture, 70% enemy culture in your city and it has 4000 culture, it means it is exerting 70% of its cultural influence but for enemy culture). Probably you need to wait a few turns until your culture gains an advantage in the city and then it will start to exert its pressure for your culture.
                The problem with leadership is inevitably: Who will play God?
                - Frank Herbert


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Martinus
                  Would be cool if someone from Firaxis confirmed this is a WAD (i.e. old culture is harder to replace by new culture) and not a bug.
                  Yeah I would like this confirmed as well. It seems a bit odd to me. Even if the capitol borders cannot be pushed back, I would expect that Vilcabamba should have its borders altered. Cuzco was the capital and it moved to Olla after I took it. If this is WAD then my plan didn't work as expected.

                  It might be that the borders don't expand because it was the civs capital?

