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Install on a seperate harddrive

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  • Install on a seperate harddrive

    I was having a lot of trouble with Civ4 getting just about every bug mentioned in these forums from crazy graphics glitches to turning my computer off without a warning.

    Now I know these aren't because my hardware doesn't meet the needs of the game. I have:

    3Ghz P4,
    128Mb Radeon 9800 Pro,
    1Gb RAM,

    After much effort towards fixing the game such as completely uninstalling then reinstalling my graphics and audio drivers, setting my page file to a 2Gb constant and many more I can't remember I decided to reinstall the game and see if that helped. I'd read on here from someone that reinstalling to a different harddrive from your Windows drive helps a lot so I tried that. So far I haven't had a single bug in the game and I've played through half a game on standard sized map. Compared to the hideous crashes I'd gotten before I really think installing to the other harddrive helped a lot.

    If you don't have two harddrives in your computer then try creating a seperate partition of around 4GB just for Civ. That should make it happy
    I used to be Darkknight.. many many moons ago. "CTP2 is almost out!!" time.

  • #2
    "I've played through half a game on standard sized map."

    Come back when you have played on a large map with most of the game finished.

