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Map Sizes?

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  • Map Sizes?

    Ok, I hope this is the right location to ask such a question.

    I have started about 4 games in CIV since I got it, and I played all on Standard sized maps. I have seen peoples screen shots of what they are referring to as "Small-Archipelligo(sp)" maps that look much bigger than the "Standard-Lake" maps I have been playing on. Also i have seen references to "Terran-Huge" maps being larger than other Huge maps.

    So my question is, are there differences in actuall grid sizes bassed on the type of map you are playing? i.e. a small arch map is 30x20 grid where a small Lakes map would be 20x15.

    Also does anyone know what these sizes are? I am sure they are listed somewhere in the script files or something, but I am at work and can't look at the moment.
    Law of 5th Contingency - "If your 4th contingency has failed, there is no point in checking your 5th. Just accept the world is out to get you." -Earthworm

  • #2
    You may already know this but the map starts out "un centered," which means it just shows your civ pretty much. You don't get a full appreciation of the real map size until you get an event that "centers the world map." I think stonehenge or astronomy will do this.

    Other than that, some of the different map styles really do have different x by y sizes for the same slider selection. IE Terran is bigger than continents with both set to standard.

    There's a great map article here somewhere that shows each map type and compares them (includes size).

    Sirian's Map guide link -
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    • #3
      Cool that is what I was looking for.

      I knew about the Map centering thing, but it still seemed like some maps were bigger than others, even under the same size settings. I guess I was right.

      Thank you.
      Law of 5th Contingency - "If your 4th contingency has failed, there is no point in checking your 5th. Just accept the world is out to get you." -Earthworm


      • #4
        Map centring happens when you build Stonehendge, or discover Calender, not astronomy, right?
        You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


        • #5
          ahh cool. I finally figured out what map centering does.


          • #6
            I just checked the tech tree poster. Assuming its accurate, astronomy does center the map.


            • #7
              I thought Stonehedge does that. I actually thought that Stonehedge centered the map on Stonehedge (horizontally anyway), which would be pretty cool, but i suppose it doesn't.

