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War and technology

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  • #16
    im playing mostly archipelago maps so often im overlapping alot also it this makes it difficult to covert lots of people
    if i meet somebody early i tend to go after their land instead of coverting
    If you can manage to found more than 2 religions tbh your doing well

    I been thinking alot about religion aswell
    if you can build prophets of more than one kind you can spread both in yoru empire
    thats means unless im mistaken you can make 2 or more monestarys per city
    does the science % bonus stack?
    imagine if you have all teh religions that a big boost to science


    • #17
      Sava was saying in his post that he build all 7 Monestaries in each of his Culture Cities.

      He also had all 7 Shrines amongst those three cities. And on top of it all, he built 2 Cathedrals in each City.

      Man, that's a hell of a lot of Culture!

      Dan O.

