How do I end an annual agreement with another power? Isabelle is appearing a little suspicious and I would like to end our Open Borders agreement. I can't figure out how to do it without declaring war.
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Ending an Agreement
Go to the Diplomacy screen readout in the game and click on the next to the or last one. There will be all agreements you currently have. Click on one, and then another screen will pop-up asking if you want to cancel out of it, but there may be rules.
There are different kinds of agreements, and at least 10 turns are for most of those that trade cows or food or something like that, then there are the Annual Agreements, so reading a bit on what Aggrements are and what can be done, will help.
But I did cancel out of a food agreement before reading all of that about the Agreements in the game.
If I remember correctly, I think Open Borders is an Annual Agreement, and as such, I think just clicking on it on that screen I mentioned up above, should simply involve -- Canceling out of the Agreement!