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How do you explore?

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  • How do you explore?

    This just occured to me sitting here at work (wishing I was sitting home beating Isse into the ground).

    How do you explore the map? Do you go around the coast and try to find the limits of the land mass? Or do you sweep out in a semi-circle trying to discover anything near you first to help with city placement? Or do you wander around in some other configuration I have not thought of yet?

    What are the benefits of exploring the way you chose?

    I personally explore the coast trying to find out where I am on the land mass. This helps me understand which direction to start plcing cities. Hopfully I'll find a chocke point before the AI, maybe even see far enough to discern other lands just out of reach.

    Tom P.

  • #2
    I usually set as my first exploration goal the discovery of a second city site. Unless the coastal terrain is totally awful this meansstaying near the coast generally but I will explore up rivers as well.

    Once I have found a decent second city site I will then stick to the coast more to get an idea of the size of the landmass I am on, and as you said, look for other features as well such as choke points.

    Early game I like to occupy as much space as possible with as few cities as possible.


    • #3
      I have a general idea of searching in a circle around my initial city, but if I think I am going to be cut off by the coast in one direction I will stop that. If I see a hill I will go to it to expand my explorer's sight. If I see a border of another country I will often go away from it figuring that they have already explored that way. I did once come accross Washington very very early in the game. It had no guard so I attacked with my warrior and took the city.


      • #4
        Mine is...I guess you'd call it, "objective-based" exploration.

        1st Objective: Scout the vicinity (go up on a couple of hilltops and push FOW from starting city)

        2nd Objective: Scout for viable second city site (newly founded city is already either working on a settler or worker at this point, depending on the game)

        3rd Objective: Where the heck are we? (mapping the coastline, taking advantage of forests and hills for defense, as we move off into the wilds)

        4th Objective: Are we alone? (mapping as much of the continent as possible)

        The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


        • #5
          Keep in mind that it depends on who you have to scout as well. For civs that start with a scout you don't have to prioritize quite as rigidly. You'll find the city sites as a matter of course. I also find that AIs on your continent are pretty good about coming to you, so I make more of an effort to map my immediate vicinity in a circle to get the lay of the land for possible expansion in the near future.

