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Citizens and Specialized Persons

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  • Citizens and Specialized Persons

    Is it wise to spare a working citizen to make a specjalization person? For example make scientist or engineer in a city while sacrificing some hammers or food or commerce? Or maybe let the computer handle it ?

  • #2
    In cities which I defined as my Great People Factories I tend to do it on my own.
    Because every GPP produced by a building or specialist influences what Great Person you get afterwards. If, for example, most of your GPP were from scientists, your chances of producing a Great Scientist are very high.
    So, by assigning specialist to your city you can (to a certain degree) determine, which Great Person you get.
    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


    • #3
      Oki but with wonders I also can train GP without loosing point of productivity.. so the question is still the same - is it wise... for example I have city sized 10 and only 2 tiles have 3 hammers so it is for example good to extract citizen from 3 hammers and make him engineer? who gives 2 hammers ? Or maybe search in another city and exchange squer 1 food 2 hammers for engineer.. and what about other persons - scientist, artist... what squares should be replaced...

      I think that engineer is one of the best great personos nothing lika a good boost to wonders


      • #4
        Alml great persons have good uses. Great prophets when you own one or more holy city and want to make money while running 100% research, Great engineers to rush essentienal wonders of course, great artists are crucial for cultural victory and great scientiests can boost a city it's science with +50%.

        If you are not going for cultural victory do i consider great scientists to be the best specialists, if you get enough of them can you build an academy in all you cities and gaining a +50% research bonus(on base research like all bonuses) which is a HUGE advantage. Especially because science is extremely important in civ4, even more important then in all past civilization games(that is at least my experience).

        If you build the great libary in a city(+2 free scientists) and then turn that city in a great scienties factory shall that help you ALOT.

