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Another question about strategy.

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  • Another question about strategy.

    So I am at war with Cyrus. Why? Because I wanted to see how difficult doing a war would be. YES Cities are hard to take! Now here is a question you can help me with. I pratically begged Catherine to go to war with him and for a hefty price she did (two critical techs!). Now one thing she did about 100 years earlier is she adpoted confuscianism as her religion. Before, I had sent missionaries to Moscow and some other cities and saw my Hinduism spread. Now she is giving me grief for being a heathen.

    What do I do?

    I want to keep her as a an ally and eventually get a defense pact with her.

    I am the founder of Hinduism and was going to build a shrine as soon as I get a great prophet.

    Do I adopt her religion?

    Do I send more missionaries in there?


  • #2
    If you want stick to your religion send missionaries to her cities - she will then adpot your religion if it is in most cities than her religion. If you want to make her happy fast - adopt her religion if you can but this can have a drawback in your happienes and economy.


    • #3
      I would stay my course and let Cathrine do whatever she could with the war. She has already agreed to attack Cyrus, right? Then she will, whether she likes you or not. Just don't provoke her into turning against you. Being in the negative zone in the relationship math doesn't necessarily start a war against you. Not yet, anyway.


      • #4
        ah very good

        Thanks for the input.

