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Civ 4 Strategy Book!

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  • Civ 4 Strategy Book!

    How good he is? Maybe I want to buy it on amazon. What's inside the strategy boook?

    If anyone have the Strategy Book, do you recommend it?


  • #2
    I liked it but noticed its a lot more of a "strategy guide" (in the true sense of the term) than a handy reference guide like many previous Civilization guides have been. For example, it doesn't even list the various buildings you can make in any detail BUT its pretty good at telling you how to best take advantage of the benefits you get from the Statue of Liberty wonder.

    I really appreciated its going through all of the techs and wonders and detailing HOW these items might fit into various play styles (i.e. Warmonger, Diplomat, or Isolationist styles of play to just name the broad generalizations) or what are the ultimate civic combinations for various types of strategies and why.

    I think it comes pretty recommended by the regulars here and CivFanatics but that might be in part because folk like Solver and Sulla (to name just a few of the Civ Forum Superstars) are quoted throughout the guide.

    If you really just want handy charts quickly summarizing the various unit abilities, exactly what each tech grants you, and statistics on the non-wonder buildings, you're probably better off with the tech poster that came with the game.


    • #3
      the civ3 experience is that each patch slightly changed the rules, effects of buildings, etc. So, perhaps the designers wish to not lock themselves into specifics that would invalidated by future patches and expansion pacts.
      Haven't been here for ages....


      • #4
        Enh, that would be clever but since they do show unit stats and wonder costs they are pinning themselves down I just think, and rightfully so since the manual and Civopedia already cover so much of the straight facts, that they didn't see the guide's primary focus as a straight reference/wannabe Civopedia.


        • #5
          Now, if they would just improve the Civopedia. Since that can be updated with the patch, that should be part of the appropriate documentation of changes to the system -- both mechanics and gameplay.

          That could have been better in the Civ3 patches/update frenzy.
          Haven't been here for ages....


          • #6
            I haven't read it all yet, but it's better than the previous Civ Strat Guides, which seemed to be written by people who hardly knew the game.

            It is very multi-player oriented, though, with the main strategy section suggesting playstyles against humans, rather than the AI. Perhaps it might have been titled 'Multiplayer Strategy Guide'.


            • #7
              The guide is pretty good. I am almost done reading it
              *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


              • #8
                Cool! After reading some post here I'll go buying the Srategy guide tomorrow.

                See ya,

                Originally posted by conmcb25
                The guide is pretty good. I am almost done reading it

