When you build a mine on a hill there is a chance that you will discover some resource there (copper, iron, gold, silver, etc).
In my last game I built a mine over a hill and no resource came up. Then the AI (before taking my capitol, those bastards) pillaged the square. After reestablishing control I remined the hill, and to my surprize my clever workers turned up a gold deposit.

So it looks like the chance of finding a resource in a hill is randomly generated each time that hill is mined, and isn't a set value. So it seems you can mine, pilliage and mine a hill again and again till you find something.
In my last game I built a mine over a hill and no resource came up. Then the AI (before taking my capitol, those bastards) pillaged the square. After reestablishing control I remined the hill, and to my surprize my clever workers turned up a gold deposit.

So it looks like the chance of finding a resource in a hill is randomly generated each time that hill is mined, and isn't a set value. So it seems you can mine, pilliage and mine a hill again and again till you find something.