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ERG is the new REX (ICS is out)

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  • ERG is the new REX (ICS is out)

    As grey is the new black, this seasons best fashion tip is ERG.

    Rapid Early Expansion (REX) is not dead, but I feel that its focus needs to changing somewhat, therefore I have disovered Early Resource Grab (ERG).

    In Cvi3 REX came from several effects;
    1. Lots of cities to get a high amount of bonuses such as free unit maintenance
    2. 'land grab' tactics to cover as much territory with your boundary as possible.
    3. Having small cities with few improvements (low building maintenance) to build units.
    4. Having every tile in your territory being worked.

    (I’m sure this description isn’t perfect , it is a long time since I played Civ3)

    In Civ 4;
    1. More cities equals more maintenance
    2. Culture expands territory boundary a lot more, one city with a high culture can expand its boundaries to take up a very large amount of land.
    3. There is no building maintenance so it doesn’t matter how many buildings you build.
    4. You don’t need every single tile in your territory to be worked, creating ‘specialist’ cities for one job (such as unit creation, scientific output, or great people generating) is much more efficient. Even if you have a size 20 city you might not even have all the land being worked all the time depending on the specialism of the city (eg great person generator) because of specialist.

    REX is not dead, you still need cities to produce gold, culture & units and want as much territory as your neighbours. However because we pay on a number of cities basis and less bonuses from having lots of small cities we don’t want to REX just to take up all the land. We just want to grab the ‘sweet spots’.

    So I present Early Resource Grab
    1. Scout – Find the best land, look for rivers or fresh water, good land including forested areas, and most importantly RESOURCES.
    2. Use a strategy (several threads on the forums discussing it already) to get 1 or 2 (or depending on the size of map) early settlers out to ‘Grab’ the sweet spots.
    3. Use the resources to grow these cities into specialist powerhouses.

    In my first ever game I only had 3 proper cities which did all of my work, I only had to go to war because I didn’t have a coastal city. I was No1 in GNP, population and Manufactured goods for virtually the whole game with only 4 cities. (Noble, normal speed, standard map size, Russian - expansive and philosophical, single not multiplayer)

    Who agrees, ERG is the new REX.

  • #2
    If you find marble or stone nearby, that helps considerably with grabbing wonders. I certainly try to grab them asap before using up all of my "cost-effective" cities.
    I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


    • #3
      I've seen several use the term "ICS" ... what does that acronym stand for?


      • #4
        Oh NM "Infinate City Sprawl" ... I don't know, early city sprawl is definately lack luster now... but when you go to take over the world by force, it's helpful to have as many cities generating useful troops as you can.

        Especially since railroads no longer provide infinate movement... so you need a larger cache of troops, and in more areas.

        So... by taking over the enemy cities, yu can eventually end up with the same ICS... it just took longer to get there than it used to.

        Early Resource Grab has always sort of been party of Civ.. but at least now you can make use of territory outside of the city limits. So culture IS more important.


        • #5

          Infinate City Sprawl was where you planted cities continously in a grid/pattern, eg;
          (c + city, x = space)


          or even closer


          There would be no benefit in that at all any more.

          Im not saying that you dont want quite a lot of cities, its just not as important to get 12 cities up and running straight away like it used to be in Civ3. You still need 6+ cities or you cant build Oxford University for example. The point is ICS would not be of any use now, and REX is not necessary as it used to be.

          Im playing the first Apolyton game of the month, I havent used creative before - it gives you HUGE borders with virtually no effort. WOW.

