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how upgrade units?

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  • how upgrade units?

    Hello again!

    How do you upgrade your military units by paying gold? I did it in a previous game but have no idea if I did something to enable it. There simply is no button to press in order to upgrade.

    Do I have to get a tech to enable upgrading?

    "Can we get a patch that puts Palin under Quayle?" - Theben

  • #2
    I don't think there is a technology enabling upgrades as such. However, you'd need to have the technology of the unit you want to upgrade to. The possible upgrades are not included in the unit table in the manual, but they might be in the civilopedia (haven't checked yet). Other than that I can't think of anything. Oh, perhaps you need barracks. It's not mentioned anywhere but it was the case in Civ3.


    • #3
      AFAIK, you only need to have the units inside your borders.


      • #4
        ahh, that's it... inside my borders... thanks! (and of course also be eligable to create the units I want to upgrade to)
        "Can we get a patch that puts Palin under Quayle?" - Theben

