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Atl-Tab crashes every time

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  • Atl-Tab crashes every time

    Athlon XP 3200+
    ATI Radeon X800

    I'm running the game in 1600x1280 (but my desktop is 1024x768), with all the High graphics options, and I can crash the game every time just by Alt-Tab'ing out of it and then switching back in. When it comes back up the map shows up ok but all the buttions and stuff around the edges of the screen are gone. Then as soon as I touch any key on the keyboard the game crashes and dumps me to the desktop (and doesn't change my resolution back either). I know you'll probably say "then stop pressing Alt-Tab" - ok fine, but it's still a bug which I hope will be fixed. Plus my dog keeps jumping up on my lap and pressing that stupid Windows key, which crashes it the same way.

    Other than that the game runs perfectly, except one time it crashed to desktop during a battle animation when I attacked a unit of Longbowmen with a unit of Musketeers.

  • #2
    Just for laughs, try running your desktop at the same resolution as your game (1600x1200 - or did you actually mean 1600x1280?!) or vice versa. Make sure it is the same colour depth and refresh rate.

    Also, try it without AA enabled.

    Let me know what happens.


    • #3
      Good idea. Just tried it, and if I change my screen resolution before I start the program, then I can Alt-Tab out and back in just fine. I guess I'll just have to remember to do this from now on

      Appears like this must be one of those things they forgot to test in their rush to get the program onto the shelves.

