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GPP requirements start increasing by 200 after hitting 1k

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  • GPP requirements start increasing by 200 after hitting 1k

    I played a game with the aim of achieving "Great Merchant recursion" at the end, whereby I create a gigantic city just for the hell of it by constantly settling Great Merchants there, and the Great Merchants provide the food to support more specialists so growth doesn't slow down.

    But I noticed that after the 10th GP, the cost of additional Great People went up by 200 at a time instead of 100! As far as I can tell this has no practical effect on game balance, but it mostly ruins my party!

    Why the hell did the manual have to mislead me about this?

  • #2



    • #3
      Thanks! I suspected that might be the pattern, but didn't feel like playing the additional turns to find out once I knew my dream was shattered.

      Oh well, now I've got to find some other esoteric form of uber...

