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Dangit, do I trade with other civs or not?

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  • Dangit, do I trade with other civs or not?

    I usually start trying to horde some religions, get a Wonder-building city going, and basically start a peaceful expansive/building strategy. That means i usually get behind on techs, cause i focus on religious techs, which usually cost more to research.

    Here's where it all gets confusing.

    I don't know whether to open borders, whether to trade my big techs for the smaller techs i've missed. Basically, if i start trading with everyone, we all are at basically the same level of techs, but they've got a huge military, and i've got a couple dumb Wonders.

    Any suggestions or insights?

  • #2
    Make your trades even in terms of the number of beakers. You should almost always trade when you can. It will:
    1) Improve your relations with your neighbors.
    2) Put 2 of you ahead of the game, and leave the rest behind.


    • #3
      if you ignore their requests for open borders or dont trade with...
      you will find less and less options to trade for

      that has been my experience
      anti steam and proud of it

      CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


      • #4
        Re: Dangit, do I trade with other civs or not?

        Originally posted by stormwriter
        I usually start trying to horde some religions, get a Wonder-building city going, and basically start a peaceful expansive/building strategy. That means i usually get behind on techs, cause i focus on religious techs, which usually cost more to research.
        Once you get a few shrines this is no longer true because you'll have a ridiculous amount of money rolling in. Build Pyramids, switch to the civic that lets you buy buildings with cash and you can pump out buildings about every 2 turns until you have them all. You'll also be able to keep tech research at 100% for the rest of the game regardless how much you expand.

        Here's where it all gets confusing.

        I don't know whether to open borders, whether to trade my big techs for the smaller techs i've missed. Basically, if i start trading with everyone, we all are at basically the same level of techs, but they've got a huge military, and i've got a couple dumb Wonders.

        Any suggestions or insights?
        ALWAYS trade for any techs the AI is willing to give up even if you get a crappy deal out of it because if you don't trade them those techs the other AIs will. Might as well get a tech or 2 out of it yourself.

        Unless you're trying to block off a section of land that you haven't had a chance to settle yet do open borders with everyone who will take it. It improves your relations and allows you to spread your religion which means $$$ when you get your shrines built.

        Another thing that's nice about making a beeline for the religious techs is that if you found most or all of the religions yourself then whoever you want to be friends with you can just switch to whatever religion they're using and chances are you founded it anyway. You did pick a Spiritual leader right? This is just about required if you want to make the most of a religious focus. All those temples will be dirt cheap and you can switch civics or religions to your hearts content with no anarcy.

