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  • Inconceivable!

    This came up as one of the hints during my planet creation:

    "Never start a land war in Asia".

    Cute. Just thought I'd share. If you don't get the reference, do ignore


    anyone want a peanut?

  • #2
    You keep saying that word. I do not think that word means what you think it means.

    ..there are known ‘knowns’ There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know. ~~Donald Rumsfeld


    • #3
      Re: Inconceivable!

      Sleep well and dream of large women. I don't envy you the headache you'll have when you awake.
      I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

      "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


      • #4
        As you wish.


        • #5
          Inigo Montoya: That Vizzini, he can *fuss*.
          Fezzik: Fuss, fuss... I think he like to scream at *us*.
          Inigo Montoya: Probably he means no *harm*.
          Fezzik: He's really very short on *charm*.
          Inigo Montoya: You have a great gift for rhyme.
          Fezzik: Yes, yes, some of the time.
          Vizzini: Enough of that.
          Inigo Montoya: Fezzik, are there rocks ahead?
          Fezzik: If there are, we all be dead.
          Vizzini: No more rhymes now, I mean it.
          Fezzik: Anybody want a peanut?
          Vizzini: DYEEAAHHHHHH.


          • #6
            A technicality that will shortly be remedied. But first things first. To the death.

            (a little pause)
            To the pain.

            (about to charge, stops short)
            I don't think I'm quite familiar with that phrase.

            I'll explain. And I'll use small words so that you'll be sure to understand, you wart-hog-faced buffoon.

            That may be the first time in my life a man has dared insult me.

            CUT TO:

            lying there comfortably, his words quiet at first.

            It won't be the last. To the pain means the first thing you lose will be your feet, below the ankles, then your hands at the wrists, next your nose.

            CUT TO:
            gripping his sword, watching.

            -- and then my tongue, I suppose. I killed you too quickly the last time, a mistake I don't mean to duplicate tonight.

            I wasn't finished -- the next thing you lose will be your left eye, followed by your right --

            (takes step forward)
            -- and then my ears, I understand. Let's get on with it --

            CUT TO:
            Wrong! Your ears you keep, and I'll tell you why --

            CUT TO:

            And now he stops, and the look that was in his eyes at the wedding, that look of fear, is starting to return.

            -- so that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish -- every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out, "Dear God, what is that thing?" will echo in your perfect ears. That is what "to the pain" means. It means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever.

            CUT TO:

            doing his best to hide the fear that keeps building inside him.

            I think you're bluffing --

            CUT TO:

            lying there, staring at him.

            It's possible, pig -- I might be bluffing -- it's conceivable, you miserable vomitous mass, that I'm only lying here because I lack the strength to stand -- then again, perhaps I have the strength after all.
            And now, slowly, Westley begins to move. His body turns, his feet go to the floor, he starts to stand --

            CUT TO:

            staring, eyes wide.

            CUT TO:

            And now he is standing, sword in fighting position.

            -- DROP YOUR SWORD!

            CUT TO:

            and he's so panicked he doesn't know whether to pee or wind his watch. He throws his sword to the floor.
            I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

            "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


            • #7
              Have fun storming the castle!

              (Think it'll work?) (It'd take a miracle.)


              • #8
                No-one would surrender to the dread pirate Wesley


                • #9
                  "I'll call the brute squad!" - Miracle Max

                  "I'm on the brute squad..." - Fezzik

                  ..."You ARE the brute squad!" - Miracle Max


                  • #10
                    "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father: prepare to die."
                    Tutto nel mondo è burla


                    • #11
                      Inigo Montoya: You are wonderful.
                      Man in Black: Thank you; I've worked hard to become so.
                      Inigo Montoya: I admit it, you are better than I am.
                      Man in Black: Then why are you smiling?
                      Inigo Montoya: Because I know something you don't know.
                      Man in Black: And what is that?
                      Inigo Montoya: I... am not left-handed.

                      Man in Black: You are amazing.
                      Inigo Montoya: I ought to be, after 20 years.
                      Man in Black: Oh, there's something I ought to tell you.
                      Inigo Montoya: Tell me.
                      Man in Black: I'm not left-handed either.
                      Tutto nel mondo è burla


                      • #12
                        Some day you might not mind the kissing parts so much.
                        I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                        "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                        • #13
                          Now, a clever man would put the poison into his own goblet, because he would know that only a great fool would reach for what he was given. I am not a great fool, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. But you must have known I was not a great fool, you would have counted on it, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me . . .

                          . . . never go in against a sicilian when death is on the line.


                          • #14
                            For those of you who may be completely confused about what all these people are babbling on about, these are all lines from the movie The Princess Bride. If you've never seen it, try and track it down somewhere. It's definitely worth a watch.
                            Last edited by Willem; November 5, 2005, 16:50.


                            • #15
                              As you wish

