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Hotseat diplo bugs and low performance

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  • Hotseat diplo bugs and low performance


    First of all I would like to say I absolutely LOVE the game. I had no problems installing or running it in single player. On Hotseat however there are 2 major flaows that I have noticed.

    1. Diplomacy: Trading does not work correctly between human players. Between Human and AI everything is ok. However when I want to trade to another human a technology, and i click it down to the trade box, it jumps back to the list - wont stay in the trade box. What is wierder is that player number 1 can send offers of his stuff to player number 2 (but cannot ask for anything in return).. who can accept them (as a present). But player number 2 can add nothing to the trade box for return.

    What I also noticed was that the little civic icons in the right top corner of the diplomacy window that you can see while talking to them, were always in the default settings when I talked as player 1 to player number 2. Although I knew that player number 2 actually had different civics.

    That gave me the idea that perhaps some pointer for the second human empire is wrong. It cannot trade techs because when i issue command add tech to list, it checks against the technology player 2 who has nothing. It probably has, as far as the game knows no tech etc.

    We coulds sign Open borders though

    2. Second problem is performance between hotseat games. I am having no problems in single player. Turns going by quickly with minimal lag. However in hotseat:

    Player 1 finishes turn.
    Player 2 starts turn after almost no wait.
    Player 2 ends turn.
    Player 2 is shown all the moves by different races.
    Minor waiting time probably due to AI moves, calculations etc.
    Prompt to click OK for 1 player to start turn.

    As OK is pressed The screen goes black. It stays that way increasingly longer as game progresses. From some point I can hear either the sound of building completed or the diplo window opening and osmeone coming to talk to me, but nothing is shown for 1-2 minutes. Finally the black screen dissapears and I can also see the diplo screen or whatever myself.

    The black screen comes always and is not dependant on what happens in the beginning of player 1's turn.

    I am actually not expecting a quick fix here. Just reporting a bug. It would be nice to get an acnowledgement that it has been added to the list.
    Last edited by Alphard; November 4, 2005, 04:19.