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Country splitting

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  • Country splitting

    I loved the game concept in Civ II that would split a country into two parts when you captured the capital city of a nation. This would happen if there were less than 7 nations alive.

    But, is it just me, or doesn't Civ IV has this concept?
    Greetz, Ramses

  • #2
    Civ4 does not have this.


    • #3
      I hated the concept.
      It's way too easy, just grab the capital and suddenly you have 2 small enemies instead of one big one.
      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


      • #4
        Of course the concept needed some changes, but using propaganda or something like that would be a cool concept to let a (small) part of a country declaring independance.
        Greetz, Ramses


        • #5
          its true that civs2 method was bad but they should make it so that theres other ways of dividing the empire in two or more parts, the 1 i personally like the most is civil war. they sould add this to the game or some1 should make a mod, if they do it ill download it


          • #6
            A civil concept like that would be cool indeed. Just when a group of people/cities don't like your government, they will rise up in resistance.
            Greetz, Ramses


            • #7
              The only idea that would make the idea cool, imho, would be that ie. if I would conquer a civ totally, that the cities of that civ could revolt 500 years later, since they're a different racial group in my empire.

              Such a revolution would only occur if I wouldn't upgrade their cities, or their cities aren't as healthy or happy as my other cities. Thus: if they're not happy being a part of my empire.
              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


              • #8
                One of my fondest memories in Civ II was when my own empire split in two. I had been running away with the game... up until then.


                • #9
                  There's actually a thread already on exactly this:
                  Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                  • #10
                    This topic seems to get posted once a week.

