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A slight problem...

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  • A slight problem...

    Granted this is more of a simple rant than anything else, and there's not much to be done about it for the time being, but...

    The game won't install. My lovely presale edition of Civilization IV that finally arrived from Amazon, that has the manual bound right and the CD's labled correctly and the tech tree poster in english, won't install, because disc two has a blemish on it that causes the install to fail just before it finishes.

    So now, tomorrow, I've got to make some calls to see about getting that disc replaced.

    Suffice it to say, I am not happy.

  • #2
    Dude, that REALLY sucks.


    • #3
      Try to make a copy of that disk with something like Alcohol or GameDrive. Since the copy protection is on Disk 1, if a smarter program is able to make a viable and mountable disk image of the disk, you might be able to get it loaded.


      • #4
        Originally posted by seebs
        Try to make a copy of that disk with something like Alcohol or GameDrive. Since the copy protection is on Disk 1, if a smarter program is able to make a viable and mountable disk image of the disk, you might be able to get it loaded.
        If it can't read the information to install it, he won't be able to make an image.


        • #5
          I've tried using some programs that are supposed to read through damaged CD's, but none of them have gotten past 92% on either my CD-RW or DVD-ROM drives, so whatever happened during manufacture of the disc was a lot bigger than the blemish I found.

          Ahh well, the E-mails sent(couldn't get through on the phones). Now there's nothing to do but wait. On my day off. That should've been spent playing CIV.


          • #6
            If the disk is damaged, Amazon or Take2 are obligated to send you a new one, so just keep after them

